Curriculum Vitae Boris Verwoerd Personalia Name Address Postal code, city Phone E-mail Birth date Birth place Nationality Drivers license Boris Verwoerd Koninginnelaan 8b 9717BT te Groningen 06-51283396 28-02-1995 Doetinchem Dutch B (NL) / P (US) Education 1999 - 2007 2007 - 2013 2013 – Today Primary school Hagen in Doetinchem VWO (pre-university secondary education) Rietveld Lyceum in Doetinchem Courses: Dutch, English, German, Mathematics B, Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Economics Econometrics and Operations Research at the University of Groningen (B.Sc.) Work experience 03/2008 - 05/2011 06/2009 - 05/2011 03/2011 - 09/2012 09/2012 – 08/2013 09/2014 - Today 09/2014 - Today Interlanden B.V. Job: Walking papers Job description: The delivery of newspapers and leaflets twice a week Dienstverband beëindigd wegens nieuw werk bij C1000 AVO verspreidingen Job: Walking papers Job description: The delivery of newspapers and leaflets once a week Dienstverband beëindigd wegens nieuw werk bij C1000 C1000 supermarkten Job: Sales representative Job description: Working in the butchery department and operating the cash register Dienstverband beëindigd wegens overname van C1000 door Jumbo Jumbo supermarkten Job: Sales representative Job description: Working in the butchery department and operating the cash register Hema Job: Sales representative Job description: Working in the restaurant Transvision Job: Traveling assistant Job description: Working as an assistant for people by helping them to get from the train to a taxi cab and the other way around Skills Computer Languages HTML CSS Javascript PHP SQL Java Dutch English German Excellent Good Reasonable Reasonable Good Good Mother tongue Professional Moderate