Ineke De Feijter Scholarship Conferences

Ineke De Feijter Scholarship
What Communication do we need: Dissemination, Debate, Dialogue?
Some Theological-Ethical Reflections
Keynote speech at the International Conference for Journalists and Communication
Experts ‘Media, Culture and the Public, on Responsibility in a Network Society’
Christian University of Applied Sciences, Ede, the Netherlands, October 27-29, 2010.
Soft is Radical: the Authority of Compassion as a Theological Contribution to
Presented at the International Congress: ‘Communication is Peace: Building viable
communities’ of the World Association for Christian Communication.
Cape Town, South Africa, October 6-10, 2008.
Representing Faith in a Digital Media Culture: Problems in Church Policy Statements
on Media and Communication
Presented at the International UCSIA Conference: ‘Believin’ the media.
Analysis of Faith and Media: Representation and Communication Strategy’.
University of Antwerp, Belgium, April 26-27, 2007.
Mainline Religion and Global Media Culture: Kairos or Curtain Line?
Presented at the 4th International Conference on Media, Religion and Culture,
Louisville, Kentucky USA, September 1-4, 2004.
Invited Addresses
De digitale mediacultuur als context van kerkelijke communicatie (The Digital Mediaculture
as Context for Church Communication)
Delivered to the Trainingsprogramme ‘Performance and Communication’ for
theological students preparing for the ministry.
Theological Seminary Hydepark, Doorn, November 10, 2010.
Dialoog en mediacultuur (Dialogue and Mediaculture(s)).
Delivered to the post Academic Education Programme of the Protestant Theological
University in the course: Reading Buber: I and Thou.
Theological Seminary Hydepark, Doorn, February 16, 2010.
Van oraal naar digitaal: veranderingen voor religie en kerk in een mediacultuur. (From Oral
to Digital: Changes for Religion and Church in a Media Culture)
Delivered to the Post Academic Education Programme of the Protestant Theological
University, for senior pastors, on Homiletics: ‘Spreken is zilver – preken is goud,
homiletiek voor gevorderden’.
Theological Seminary Hydepark, Doorn, January 15, 2010.
Communicatie en Media, over Veranderende Competenties van een Predikant
(Communication and Media, on Changing Competencies of Ministers).
Delivered to the Trainingsprogramme ‘Performance and Communication’ for
theological students preparing for the ministry.
Theological Seminary Hydepark, Doorn, November 3, 2009.
Religie en Nieuwe Media (Religion and New Media). Delivered to the first anniversary
conference of, the opinion web portal of six protestant
organizations (Christelijke Hogeschool Ede, Protestants Christelijke Ouderenbond,
Besturenraad -Christian Education-, Amsterdam VU University, The Protestant
Church in the Netherlands, NCRV -Protestant Public Broadcaster-).
Dutch Christian Broadcaster NCRV, Hilversum, October 30, 2009.
Religieuze dimensies in de digitale mediacultuur: uitdaging aan kerk en theologie. (Religious
Dimensions in a Digital Media culture: Challenges to Church and Theology)
Delivered to the Post Academic Education Programme of the Protestant Theological
University for senior pastors, on Homiletics: ‘Spreken is zilver – preken is goud,
homiletiek voor gevorderden’. Seminary Hydepark, Doorn, April 24, 2009.
Cybernauts Awake!
Delivered to the Conference ‘Pastoraat op het web’ ter gelegenheid van het 50-jarig
bestaan van het IKON media pastoraat. (Conference on Pastoral Care on the WWW
on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of IKON Media Pastoral Care)
Regenboogkerk, Hilversum, March 26, 2009.
Theologie van de vrede: het belang van dialoog. (Theology of Peace: the Importance of
Delivered to the National Conference ‘De Lieve Vrede’ of the Remonstranten,
Doopsgezinden, Vrijzinnige Geloofsgemeenschap NPB en Vereniging van
Vrijzinnige Protestanten.
Jacobikerk, Utrecht, April 21, 2007.
Is er dan niets meer heilig? Over ‘heilig’ en ‘onheilig’ in een digitale mediacultuur. (Nothing
Sacred Anymore? On ‘Sacred’ and ‘Secular’ in a Digital Media culture).
Delivered to the Conference on Holiness by the Dirk Monshouwer Foundation for
Biblical Theology
VU University, Amsterdam, February 26, 2007.
Religieuze dimensies in een mediacultuur. (Religious Dimensions in and of a Media
Delivered to the Liberal Protestant Association of Ministers
Driebergen, The Netherlands, October 11, 2006.
Van Babel tot Areopagus, over geloof en moderne comunicatietechnologie. (From Babel to
Areopagus: on Belief and Modern Communicationtechnology)
Delivered to the Doopsgezinde, Remonstrantse en Vrijzinnig Protestantse Churches
in Arnhem, Arnhem, The Netherlands, November 8, 2000.
Reading Committees Dissertations
Cultural Diversity in Peril, Can Cultural Policies Make a Difference?
A study on cultural policies of UNESCO member states, arguing the necessity of a
global monitoring system ( Danielle Cliche, 2009)
Roeien voor het leven... de kerk en een nieuwe hominide (Striving for life … the Church and a
new Hominid).
A study on humanity and homo sapiens in a highly technology driven neo-liberal
society, urging churches to participate in discussions urgently needed on this topic
(Jan Anne Bos, 2009).
Communication for Life in Cyberspace: a Christian Ethical Quest in Reference to the Korean
A study based on 'theology of life' and East Asian traditions such as Taoism,
Confucianism, Buddhism and Tonghak. (Young-Cheol Cheon, September 2011).
Published Works
De Feijter, Ineke. Globale mediacultuur, uitdagingen voor de identiteit van religieuze
gemeenschappen. (Global mediaculture, challenges for the identity of religious communities).
(in preparation)
De Feijter, Ineke. Het concept van dialoog, theology and communication (The Concept of
Dialogue, Theology and Communication, in preparation)
De Feijter, Ineke. The Art of Dialogue, Religion, Communication and Global Media Culture
Berlin, Lit Verlag, 2007 (dissertation).
English Articles
‘The authority of Compassion, a Theological Contribution to
Integrative Communication’ (forthcoming 2012). Together with Hamelink, Cees J.
‘Dissemination, Debate, Dialogue? Some Theological-Ethical Reflections’ in Media,
Culture and the Public, on Responsibility in a Network Society (forthcoming 2012, book
publication by the Christian University of Applied Sciences, Ede, the Netherlands).
‘The Concept of Dialogue and its Ethical Implications: A Contribution to the Concept
of Social Communication’ in Rolfes Helmuth and Zukowski, Angela Ann (eds.)
Communicatio Socialis, Challenge of Theology and Ministry in the Church. Kassel, Kassel
University Press, 2007, 48-69
Dutch Articles
‘Kerkelijk beleid en social media: like it!...or not. (‘Church Policy and Social Media:
Like it!...or not). Forthcoming in Journal Handelingen, summer 2012.
‘Van Oraal naar Digitaal, Religie in een Mediacultuur’ (From Oral, to Digital,
Religion in a Media Culture). In Tussenruimte, (Journal for Intercultural Theology).
Theme issue: The Word becomes Web. (June 2009). 8-15
‘Allemaal de Liefste’. In Contextuele Berichten, Vaktijdschrift voor Contextueel
Pastoraat, 13/3 (2008) 10.
(All are dearest. In Contextuele Berichten, Specialist Journal on Contextual Pastoral
‘Is er dan niets meer heilig? Over heilig en onheilig in de hedendaagse mediacultuur’
in Interpretatie, Tijdschrift voor Bijbelse Theologie, 15/4, (2007) 18-21. (On Sacred and
Secular in contemporary Mediaculture, in Interpretation, Journal for Biblical
‘Kerk zijn in elektronische media cultuur’ in Centraal Weekblad, 52/24 (June, 2004) 15.
(Being Church in an Electronic Media Culture in Centraal Weekblad a Dutch Christian
‘WACC Congres over christelijke communicatie: waarheid en gerechtigheid
noodzakelijk voor verzoening’ (WACC Conference on Christian Communication:
The Necessity of Truth and Justice for Reconciliation) in Centraal Weekblad 4 9/30,
(July, 2001) 9.
Book reviews
Trendbericht over media, religie en theologie. Forthcoming in Kerk & Social Media,
Themanummer Tijdschrift Handelingen, zomer 2013, met uitgebreidere publicatie op
Literature overview on Media, Religion and Theology. Forthcoming in Journal
Handelingen (Journal for Practical Theology), 2013.
Opiniating contributions
‘Congres over christelijke communicatie: waarheid en gerechtigheid noodzakelijk
voor verzoening’ , Info: Maandblad Verenigde Protestantse Kerk in België, 20/10 (2001),
(Conference on Christian Communication: Trut hand Justice necessary for
Reconciliation, in Info, monthly magazine United protestant Churches in Belgium).
‘Geloof en communicatietechnologie’, De Open Poort, no. 81/5 (2001) 8-10.
(Belief and Communicationtechnolgy. In Belgian Journal De Open Poort)
‘Kerk en media: haat of liefde?’, De Open Poort, no. 76/5 (1996) 5-7.
(Church and media: hate or love? In Belgian Journal De Open Poort)