Curriculum Vitae - Ricardo Rodríguez Miranda

Curriculum Vitae
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Marital Status
Ricardo Rodríguez Miranda
May 14, 1973
Caracas, Venezuela
Venezuelan citizen with residence permit in the Netherlands
Spanish - Dutch - German - English – French - Portuguese
Buitenom 1A, 2512 XA The Hague, The Netherlands
0031 - 70 - 363 57 03 and 0031 646 618514 (mobile)
May, 2009
1998 - 2003
1992 - 1998
1993 – 1995
1991 – 1992
1981 – 1992
1978 – 1991
Diploma Staatsexamen Nederlands als Tweede Taal, programma II
Musicology, Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands
Viola da Gamba as a principal subject. Teacher: Wieland Kuijken,
Royal Conservatory of The Hague, The Netherlands
Getuigschriften Hoger Beroepsonderwijs (Diplomas)
• Uitvoerend Musicus
• Docerend Musicus
• Vrije Studierichting
• Scholarship granted by the International Fund for the promotion of the
Culture, UNESCO
• Scholarship contributed by the department of Educational Support of the
National Council for the Culture (CONAC), Venezuela
Master – classes with Jordi Savall , Early Music Course in Catalonia and Andorra
Business Administration (one semester), Universidad Metropolitana, Venezuela
Piano and Violoncello principal subjects. Solfège, Harmony and Music History.
Music School Juan Manuel Olivares, Venezuela
Kindergarten, primary and high school, Colegio Humboldt, Venezuela
Diploma: Bachiller en Ciencias
Prizes: 2 First prizes: Piano solo and Chamber Music (cello), 1st
Musical Competition, Colegio Humboldt, Venezuela
Leadership and Teaching
2005 – 2008
Since 2007
Since 1999
Before 1992
Leader of the instrumental ensemble in De Concerten van Mijnheer De Liz,
Koninklijk Conservatorium and NHDT, The Netherlands
Teacher (viola da gamba) in the International Summer Course of Brasilia, Brazil
Coach of an amateur viol consort in Utrecht, The Netherlands
Teacher for Viola da Gamba, Piano and Violoncello (private) The Netherlands
Artistic leader in Delizie, Ensalada, Banchetto... Renaissance Music. Workshop
and concert Brasilia, Brazil
Teacher and ensemble coach in Viola da gamba workshop together with
N. Schaap, Falkoog, The Netherlands
Teacher and organizer of Pièces de Viole composé par M. Marais, workshop and
concert. Organizer and main teacher, The Netherlands
Leader of L’Avrilloza, Festival op den Berghe,The Netherlands
Leader of the Early Music ensembles Acantus and Terpsichore, Venezuela
Teacher (viola da gamba) in the Foundation Camerata de Caracas, Venezuela
V. NOV. 2009
CD Recordings
S. Scheidt with Vox Luminis (Ricercar) to be released in 2010
M. Weckmann with Cantus Cölln (Harmonia Mundi) To be released in 2010
German Cantatas II with L’Armonia Sonora (Ramée) To be released in 2009
Mazzocchi, Vespro della beata Vergine, Cantus Cölln, HMC 902001
Pieces, French Baroque solo and basse continue CNJP 01.247.965/0001 – 46, Brasil
Domenico Scarlatti, Stabat Mater, Vox Luminis, RIC 258 (Monde de la Musique, Editor’s Choice)
J.S. Bach, da Gamba, L’Armonia Sonora, RAM 0801 (Diapason 5)
De Profundis Clamavi, L’Armonia Sonora, RAM 0604 (Diapason 5, BBC Music Choice, Goldberg 5)
J.M. Leclair, Sonates a violon seul, RAM 0403 (Diapason d’or)
D. Buxtehude, Membra Jesu Nostri, Cantus Coelln, HMC 901912 (Classics today)
D. Buxtehude, Membra Jesu Nostri, Nederlands Bach Vereniging ,CCS 24006 (Diapason D’or)
H. Purcell, Fantasias for Strings, Musica Amphion, Brilliant Classics 93647
Maarten Engeltjes, counter tenor, DRC 072001/01
J.S. Bach, Mattheuspassie, Nederlandse versie van J. Rot, 0289 4769164 Universal Music
J.S. Bach, Matthäus Passion, Heidelberger Madrigalchor (Dir. G. Kegelmann) HMC 170801
Salades et bombes Catalanes, Camerata de Caracas K617077 / 2 (Diapason D’or)
Mateo Flecha, Las Ensaladas with Camerata de Caracas, Venezuela 1997
Musica en las casas y las haciendas, Camerata de Caracas, Venezuela 1997
F. Couperin, Les Concerts Royaux, Musica Rhetorica, Venezuela 1990 (En Pointe CD, Pasadena, CA)
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Planned in September: Oude Muziek Festival, Utrecht with W. Kuijken and M. van der Velden
Planned in August: Vox Luminis (Dir. Lionel Menier) Festival de Vézelay, (France)
Planned in June: Cantus Cölln in Mühlhausen, Germany
Planned in March /April: Matthaeus Passion with Het Residentie Orkest (Dir. Peter Schreier),
Haags Barok Gezelschap (Dir. Gilles Michels)
Planned in February: Cantus Cölln (Dir. Konrad Junghänel) Vespro della beata Vergine, Paris
Koninklijk Conservatorium Den Haag / Nederlands Historisch Dans- en Theaterensemble
De Concerten van Mijnheer De Liz, musical director, Kasteelconcerten in Slot Loevestein en Kasteel
Hackfort / Paleiskerk, Den Haag - The Netherlands
Vox Luminis (Dir. Lionel Menier) in Festival Été Mosan (Belgium), Festival des Minimes
(Belgium) and Festival Bach en Combrailles (France)
Venice Baroque Orchestra (Dir. Andrea Marcon) Vivaldi’s Juditha Triumphans Concertgebouw,
St. Matthew and St. John’s Passion with Haags Barok Gezelschap (Dir. Gilles Michels) Het Dudok
Ensemble (Dir. Erik van Nevel), Florilegium Musicum (Dir. Jos Vermunt) and Het Residentie
Orkest (Dir. Richard Egarr)
Cantata BWV 106, Dir. G. Leonhardt, Concertgebouw, Amsterdam
Cantus Cölln (Dir. Konrad Junghänel) , 20th Anniversary, Köln
Vox Luminis (Dir. Lionel Menier) in Festival D’Ambronay, 38th Varazdin Baroque
Evenings (Croatia), Festival de Wallonie (Belgium), Été musical de Roisin (Belgium)
Cantus Cölln (Dir. Konrad Junghänel) Rheingau Musik Festival, Innsbrucker Festwochen,
Romanischer Sommer Köln, Festival International Echternach
L’Armonia Sonora Tour in Mexico: Cenart (Mexico City) and Festival de Mayo (Jalisco)
St. Matthew and St. John’s Passion with Nederlands Kamerorkest (Dir. Sir Colin Davies),
Haags Barok Gezelschap (Dir. Jaap Hillen), Het Dudok Ensemble (Dir. Erik van Nevel)
Het Residentie Orkest (Dir. Jan Willem de Vriend), and Residentie Bach Ensemble
(Dir. Jos Vermunt)
V. NOV. 2009
Vox Luminis CD presentation, Scarlatti’s Stabat Mater, Orchestre Philarmonique de Liège Belgium
Florilegium Musicum, (Dir. Paul van der Linden), The Netherlands
La Barca, A. Banchieri, cooproduction with Nationale Reis Opera, The Kassiopeia Quintet, and
de CC De Boagaard (Dir. Gabriel Garrido / Dir. Adrian Schvartzstein)
L’Armonia Sonora in Festival Oude Muziek Utrecht and Festival Vantaa Baroque, Finland
Cantus Cölln in Mühlhausen and Internationale Händel-Festspiele, Götingen
Ensemble Fortuna (Dir. J. Dubach), The Netherlands
St. Matthew and St. John’s Passion with Dudok Ensemble and USKO (Dir. Johan Rooze) and
Haags Barok Gezelschap (Dir. Jaap Hillen), The Netherlands
Cantantedienst (Dir. Jos Vermunt) in the Kloosterkerk, The Netherlands
Ensemble Fortuna in 38th International Guitar Festival in Zwolle, The Netherlands
Performed as a dancer in Jane Austen Ball, Nederlands Historisch Dans- en Theaterensemble
(Dir. Maria Angad Gaur), The Netherlands
Chamber Opera Vita Nova, Days of Dutch Culture at the Dom Moezyki Moscow, Russia
St. Matthew and St. John’s passion with het Residentie Orkest (J. Vermunt), Dudok Ensemble and
USKO ( J. Rooze), Haags Barok Gezelschap (J. Hillen) and Nederlands Radio Orkest (S. Stel),
The Netherlands
Concert and improvisations together with artist and poet Albert in ’t Veld, The Netherlands
The Netherlands Bach Society (J. van Veldhoven) in XVII. Berliner Tage für Alte Musik, Germany
La Resurrezione (Handel) Sala Sao Paolo, Orquesta Barroca Den Haag (Dir. Luis O. Santos) Brazil
Capella Amsterdam (Dir. Daniel Reuss), The Netherlands
St. Matthew and St. John’s Passion with het Residentie Orkest (Dir. Arnold Östman), Dudok
Ensemble and USKO (Dir. Johan Rooze) and Haags Barok Gezelschap (Dir. Jaap Hillen)
La parodie de Roland, Les Menus Plaisirs du Roy (Dir. Jean Luc Impe), Belgium and France
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2004 – 2000
L’Yriade, Les Concerts Billetes and Festival de Musique et d’Art Baroque en Tarentaise, France
Chamber Opera “Vita Nova” (Calliope Tsoupaki) in Korzo Theater, The Netherlands
Franco - Cypriot Codex at the Helenic Centre in London, England
Ensemble Finis Terrae (Dir. L.O. Santos) at the Musée des Instruments de Musique, Belgium
Solo Recital in the serie Kring d’Anvers, Belgium
De Muzikale Hoogdagen van Sint Jakob Brussel, Belgium
Les Caractères de la Danse and Royal Entertainment with NHDT (Dir. M. A. Gaur) in St. Irene Bach
Days, Turkey, Kasteelconcerten and Theater De Regentes, The Netherlands
William Byrd Vocaal Ensemble (Dir. N. van der Meel), The Netherlands
Midis - Minime and Zomer van Sint – Pieter with Jacobean Viols (Dir. G. A. Schroeder) and
Les Menus Plaisirs du Roy (Dir. J.L. Impe), Belgium
St. Matthew and St. John’s Passion with het Dudok Ensemble and USKO ( J. Rooze),
Capella Cantibus (D. Duijst) and Leiderdorps Kamerkoor (Dir. Peter Dijkstra)
Fringe concert at the Festival Oude Muziek, The Netherlands
La Púrpura de la Rosa, Torrejon y Velazco, Ensemble Una Volta (Dir. Joachim Fontaine), Germany
Maria Vespers, C. Monteverdi Academie Baroque d’Ambronay (Dir. Gabriel Garrido), France
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1999 – 1992
Orfeo Ensemble (Dir. Jorge Oraison) Concertserie in Beek, The Netherlands
Les Rumeurs Souterraines, Bijlokeconcerten Gent, Belgium
Camerata Trajectina (Dir. Louis Peter Grijp), Festival Oude Muziek, The Netherlands
L’Incoronazione di Poppea, (Dir. Isabel Palacios), Teatro Municipal de Caracas, Venezuela
Solo Recital for the President of the Republic of Venezuela, Dr. Rafael Caldera at the
Residence of the Embassador of Venezuela in The Netherlands
De Nieuwe Opera Academie, La Dafne (M. da Gagliano) Dir. Mike Fentross, The Netherlands
XXII Festival De Musica Antigua de Barcelona, Fringe with Les Amis, Spain
“Jeunes Talents Baroques" of the organization “Anacrèon” of Angers with Il Gruppetto, France
Nederland Dans Theatre, The Netherlands
David et Jonathas, Marc-Antoine Charpentier, (Dir. William Christie), Academie Baroque
d’Ambronay, France
Monuments en Musique, Musée de la Renaissance and Chateau d'Angers with Il Gruppetto, France
Private Concert for Queen Beatrix at the Noordeinde Palace, The Hague
Bach Brandenburg Concertos, The Royal Conservatoire The Hague (Dir. Ton Koopman)
1992 – 1985
European tour with Camerata de Caracas, (Dir. Isabel Palacios)
Member of the ensemble Musica Rhetorica, Venezuela
1st Festival of the Music of the Past of America and ensemble La Nef of Montreal with
Camerata de Caracas, (Dir. Isabel Palacios), Venezuela
“L'Orfeo” C. Monteverdi, Camerata de Caracas (dir. Isabel Palacios) Teatro Nacional, Venezuela
Several concerts playing viola da gamba with the Schola Cantorum and Cantoría Alberto Grau,
(Dir. María Guinand and Alberto Grau) Caracas, Venezuela
Collaboration with diverse chamber music groups playing the Viola da Gamba, Violoncello and
Harpsichord, Venezuela
First public concert playing the piano in commemoration of the Birth Anniversary of J.S., Bach, serie
of concerts organized by the Museo del Teclado, Venezuela
V. NOV. 2009
Ricardo Rodríguez Miranda, viola da gamba
Ricardo Rodríguez Miranda was born in 1973 in Caracas
(Venezuela) where he studied piano and violoncello.
At very young age he discovered his passion for early
music and historical instruments, like the viola da gamba
and the harpsichord.
In 1989, he recorded “Les Concerts Royaux”
(F. Couperin) the first early music CD recording
produced and made in Venezuela with the ensemble
Musica Rhetorica.. In the same year he started to work
with La Camerata de Caracas and Isabel Palacios. He played
in many concerts and recordings. Ricardo Rodriguez
Miranda lead two ensembles, Terpsichore and Acantus
and performed concerts in Caracas.
After the European tournée in 1992 with Camerata de Caracas, Ricardo began
his studies of viola da gamba with Wieland Kuijken at the Royal Conservatory in
The Hague, The Netherlands. For this study he was awarded a scholarship from the
Ministry of Culture in Venezuela (CONAC). During this period he participated in projects
with Ton Koopman, William Christie and Nederlands Dans Theater. Ricardo Rodríguez
Miranda took Master classes with Jordi Savall in Spain. In 1998 he received the Teachers
and Performers Diploma and began to study Musicology for 4 years at the University of
Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Ricardo Rodriguez Miranda plays regularly with Cantus Cölln (Dir. Konrad Junghänel),
L’Armonia Sonora (Dir. Mieneke van der Velden) and Vox Luminis (Dir. Lionel Menier).
In March of 2008 he played the gamba in the St. Matthew’s Passion with the Nederlands
Kamerorkest conducted by Sir Colin Davies in Het Concertgebouw, Amsterdam.
During Easter he works as a soloist in St. Matthew’s and St. John’s Passion with
Het Residentie Orkest (Dir. Jan Willem De Vriend, Jos Vermunt, Arnold Östman)
Het Dudok Ensemble (Dir. Erik van Nevel, Johan Rooze) Haags Barok Gezelschap (Dir. Jaap
Ricardo Rodríguez Miranda participated in several CD recordings with the
above- mentioned ensembles, many of which have been awarded with Diapason D’or,
Le monde de la Musique, Gramophone Editor’s Choice, BBC Music Choice, and Preis der
Deutschen Schallplatten Kritik.
Ricardo Rodriguez Miranda’s repertoire extends from the Middle Ages, the Great
Masters of the Baroque Era, compositions of Calliope Tsoupaki to Venezuelan Folk
on the gamba.
He teaches viola da gamba, piano and cello privately.
V. NOV. 2009
Ricardo Rodriguez Miranda, viola da gamba
Ricardo Rodriguez Miranda werd in 1973 in Caracas
(Venezuela) geboren. Reeds vanaf zeer jonge leeftijd
studeerde hij piano en cello en ontwikkelde hij een grote
interesse voor oude muziek en historische instrumenten
zoals viola da gamba en klavecimbel.
In 1989 werkte hij mee aan de eerste CD-opname van oude
muziek in Venezuela, ‘Les Concerts Royaux ’ van Francois
Couperin, met het ensemble Musica Rhetorica. Na zijn
medewerking aan de opera ‘L'Orfeo’ van C. Monteverdi
begon zijn samenwerking met Isabel Palacios en 'Camerata
de Caracas', met wie hij concerten en CD opnames
verzorgde met muziek uit de renaissance en de LatijnsAmerikaanse barok. Hij had tevens de leiding over de
ensembles ‘Terpsichore’ en ‘Acantus’ en gaf concerten in
Na een tournee door Europa met La Camerata de Caracas in 1992, begon hij zijn studie
viola da gamba bij Wieland Kuijken aan het Koninklijk Conservatorium te Den Haag. Hij
ontving daarvoor een studiebeurs van het CONAC (Ministerie van Cultuur in Venezuela).
Tijdens zijn studiejaren werkte Ricardo mee met projecten o.l.v. Ton Koopman, William
Christie en met het 'Nederlands Dans Theater'. Hij nam deel aan master classes van Jordi
Savall. In 1998 behaalde hij zijn diploma docerend en uitvoerend musicus. Direct daarna
heeft hij 4 jaar Musicologie gestudeerd aan de Universiteit Utrecht.
In de afgelopen jaren heeft Ricardo talloze concerten gespeeld en CD’s opgenomen.
Hij treedt op in Nederland en daarbuiten met vele ensembles waaronder Cantus Cölln
(Dir. Konrad Junghänel), L’Armonia Sonora (Dir. Mieneke van der Velden) en Vox
Luminis (Dir. Lionel Menier). Hij heeft opgetreden als solist in de Mattheus en Johannes
Passion met 'Het Residentie Orkest' (Jan Willem de Vriend, Jos Vermunt, Arnold
Östman) het Dudok Ensemble (Dir. Erik van Nevel, Johan Rooze) en het Haags Barok
Gezelschap (Dir. Jaap Hillen). In maart 2008 treed hij op als solist in de Mattheus Passion
met de Nederlands Kamerorkest o.l.v. Sir Colin Davies in het Concertgebouw,Amsterdam.
Ricardo Rodriguez Miranda heeft aan vele CD opnames meegewerkt met de boven
genoemde ensembles. Enkele van deze opnames hebben prijzen gewonnen als Diapason
D’or, Le monde de la Musique, Gramophone Editor’s Choice, BBC Music Choice en Preis
der Deutschen Schallplatten Kritik.
Het repertoire van Ricardo Rodriquez Miranda op viola da gamba en andere historische
strijkinstrumenten is zeer uitgebreid en bestrijkt het veld van de Middeleeuw, de grote
meesters van de barok, een kameropera van Calliope Tsoupaki tot de vertolking van
Venezolaanse volksmuziek op viola da gamba. Hij geeft viola da gamba, piano en cello
privé-les in Den Haag.
V. NOV. 2009