Curriculum Vitae Marijke van Putten. Personalia: Work address: Leiden University Dept. Social and Organizational Psychology. Wassenaarseweg 52 2300 RB Leiden Telephone number +31-71 527 6845 E-mail: Profession: September 1st – now Assistent professor at Leiden University, Department of Social and Organizational Psychology. June 1st – August 31st 2009 Post Doctoral researcher at K.U. Leuven, Department of Marketing. April 1st 2004 – May 31st 2008 PhD-student at Tilburg University, Dept. of Economic and Social Psychology. Title: Dealing with missed opportunities. The causes and consequences of inaction inertia. Promotors: Marcel Zeelenberg and Eric van Dijk. September 1st , 2003 – April 1st Researcher at Tilburg University , Dept. of Economic and Social Psychology. Education: 1998 – 2003: Masters degree in Psychology at Leiden University. 2003: Thesis: “The positional order protocol in resource dilemmas and public good dilemmas.” Supervisor: Eric van Dijk. 2002: Internship: “The effects of comparability and time span on inaction inertia.” Supervisor: Eric van Dijk. December 2003: course: “Consumer Behavior” (Rik Pieters, Department of Marketing, Tilburg University.) April 2004 course: “Affect.” (Marcel Zeelenberg, Department of Social Psychology, Tilburg University) August 2004: EAESP summer school, Groningen. September 2004- March 2006 Participation in KLI research institute September-October 2006 Academic writing in English CML, Tilburg University October 2006 The art of presenting science Gijs Meeusen, CML, Tilburg University Curriculum Vitae Marijke van Putten Grants: 2009: NWO-grant 446-08-021 "Mixed emotions: Introducing a new determinant for inaction."; €55,000, turned down. 2007: EAESP travel grant to do research in Philadelphia at the University of Pennsylvania with Jonathan Baron. Memberships: ASPO (Associatie Sociaal Psychologische Onderzoekers) KLI (Kurt Lewin Institute) SPSP (Society for Personality and Social Psychology) EAESP (European Association of Experimental Social Psychology) SJDM (Society of Judgment and Decision Making) Publications: Van Putten, M., Zeelenberg, M., & Van Dijk, E. (2010). Who throws good money after bad? Action vs. state orientation moderates the sunk cost fallacy. Judgment and Decision Making, 5, 33-36. Van Putten, M., Zeelenberg, M., & Van Dijk, E. (2009). Dealing with missed opportunities: Action vs. state orientation moderates inaction inertia. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 45, 808-815. Van Putten, M., Zeelenberg, M., & Van Dijk, E. (2008). “Piekeraars laten aanbiedingen liggen. De invloed van actie oriëntatie op het inactie inertie effect.” (Ruminators skip promotions. The influence of action orientation on the inaction inertia effect). In R. Custers, B. Beersema, H. van den Berg, F. Harinck, & M. van Zomeren (Eds.), Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie 2008 (pp. 335-343). Groningen: ASPO pers. Van Putten, M., Zeelenberg, M., & Van Dijk, E. (2007). “Het Unieke Effect van Gemengde Gevoelens” (The unique effect of mixed feelings). In J. Karremans, B. Beersma, R. Custers, F. van Harreveld, & W. van Rijswijk (Eds.), Jaarboek sociale psychologie 2007 (pp. 281-287). Groningen: ASPO Pers. Van Putten, M., Zeelenberg, M., & Van Dijk, E. (2008). Multiple Options in the Past and the Present: The Impact on Inaction Inertia, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 21, 519-531. Van Putten, M., Zeelenberg, M., & Van Dijk, E. (2007). Decoupling the past from the present attenuates inaction inertia. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 20, 65-79. Van Putten, M., Zeelenberg, M., & Van Dijk, E. (2007). “De Invloed van Alternatieve Keuzemogelijkheden op het Inactie Inertie Effect”. In : C. van Laar, R. Ruiter, J. Karremans, W. van Rijswijk, & F. van Harreveld., (Eds.), Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie 2006 (pp. 403410). Groningen: ASPO pers. Zeelenberg, M., Nijstad, B., Van Putten, M., & Van Dijk, E. (2006). Inaction inertia, regret, and valuation: A closer look. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 101, 89104. 2 Curriculum Vitae Marijke van Putten Van Putten, M., Zeelenberg, M., & Van Dijk, E. (2006). “Ontkoppeling van heden en verleden: grenzen aan het inactie inertie effect.” (Decoupling the past from the present. Boundaries of the inaction inertia effect). In R. Holland, J. Ouwerkerk, C. van Laar, R. de Ruiter, & J. Ham (Eds.), Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie 2005 (pp. 389-400). Groningen: ASPO pers. Zeelenberg, M & Van Putten, M. (2005). The dark side of discounts: How missing a discount may promote brand switching. Psychology and Marketing, 22, 611-622. Van Putten, M. & Van Dijk, E. (2002). De effecten van vergelijkbaarheid en tijdsspanne op inactie inertie. (The effects of comparibility and timespan on inaction inertia) In E. van Dijk, E. Kluwer & D. Wigboldus (Eds.). Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie 2002 (pp. 329-336). Delft: Eburon. Presentations: Conference presentations Van Putten, M., Zeelenberg, M., & Van Dijk, E. (2008). “Piekeraars laten aanbiedingen liggen. De invloed van actie oriëntatie op het inactie inertie effect.” (Dealing with missed opportunities: Action vs. state orientation moderates inaction inertia.) Paper presentation at the 23rd ASPOmeeting in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Van Putten, M., Zeelenberg, M., & Van Dijk, E. (2008). Dealing with missed opportunities: Action vs. state orientation moderates inaction inertia. Poster presentation at the 29th SJDM meeting in Chicago, Illinois. Van Putten, M., Zeelenberg, M., & Van Dijk, E. (2007). How sweet deals can turn sour: Inaction inertia explained by the sour grapes mechanism. Paper presentation at the 28th SJDM meeting in Long Beach, California. Van Putten, M., Zeelenberg, M., & Van Dijk, E. (2007). “Het unieke effect van gemengde gevoelens” (The unique effect of mixed feelings). Paper presentation at the 22th ASPO-meeting in Wageningen, The Netherlands. Van Putten, M., Zeelenberg, M., & Van Dijk, E. (2006). “Het drama van de gemiste kansen” (The drama of missed opportunities). Paper presentation at the 21st ASPO-meeting in Leiden, The Netherlands. Van Putten, M., Zeelenberg, M., & Van Dijk, E. (2006). When do missed opportunities get to us? Poster presentation at the 27th SJDM meeting in Houston, Texas. Van Putten, M., Zeelenberg, M., & Van Dijk, E. (2006). Inaction inertia and the effect of multiple options. Paper presentation at the IAREP-SABE meeting, July 5-8, in Paris, France. Van Putten, M., Zeelenberg, M., & Van Dijk, E. (2005). Decoupling the past from the present: Coupling as a necessary condition for inaction inertia. Paper presentation at the SPUDM-20 conference, August 22-25, in Stockholm, Sweden. Van Putten, M., Zeelenberg, M., & Van Dijk, E. (2005). “Ontkoppeling van heden en verleden: grenzen aan het inactie inertie effect.” (Decoupling the past from the present. Boundaries of the inaction inertia effect). Paper presentation at the 20th ASPO-meeting in Groningen, The Netherlands. Van Putten, M. & Van Dijk, E. (2002). “De effecten van vergelijkbaarheid en tijdsspanne op inactie inertie.” (The effects of comparibility and timespan on inaction inertia). Paper presentation at the 16th ASPO-meeting in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Invited presentations 3 Curriculum Vitae Marijke van Putten Van Putten, M., Zeelenberg, M., & Van Dijk, E. (2008). Dealing with missed opportunities. Causes and boundary conditions of inaction inertia. Presentation at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Van Putten, M., Zeelenberg, M., & Van Dijk, E. (2006). When do missed opportunities get to us? Presentation at the Catholic University Leuven, Belgium. Van Putten, M., Zeelenberg, M., & Van Dijk, E. (2006). Comparing multiple options in the past and the present: the influence of multiple options on inaction inertia. Presentation at Tilburg University, The Netherlands. Van Putten, M., Zeelenberg, M., & Van Dijk, E. (2005). Shifting the past to the present: Inaction inertia as a reference point phenomenon. Presentation at Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands. Van Putten, M., Zeelenberg, M., & Van Dijk, E. (2005). Decoupling the Past from the Present: Coupling as a Necessary Condition for Inaction Inertia. Presentation at Tilburg University, The Netherlands. Van Putten, M., Zeelenberg, M., & Van Dijk, E. (2004). Discussing inaction inertia. Presentation at Tilburg University, The Netherlands. Teaching experience: Organizing and lecturing the course: “Psychology of Selling and Advertising” (2010-present) Lecturing workgroups: “Conflict and Cooperation” (2009-present) Lecturing workgroups: “Social Psychology of Organisational Behaviour” (2009-present) Organizing and lecturing the course: “Economic Psychology” at the KU Leuven (2008) Supervising Master theses (2006-present) Supervising Bachelors theses (2005-present) Supervising Research groups (2006-present) Lecturing Workgroups: “Introduction to Social psychology” (2004-2007) Other: 2009 – present: Co-organizing Master programme “Economic Psychology” at Leiden University 2008/2009: Labcoordinator Consumerlab, KULeuven 2007: member of the Faculty Council of Tilburg University 2006: chair of the PhD-council at Tilburg University 2005: member of the PhD-council at Tilburg University 2004-2005: member of the ASPO dissertation committee 4