Vlaams – Nederlandse Delta CO2 expertenmeeting Rotterdam/Zuid Holland Carbon capture and Storage (CCS) Carbon Dioxide re-use (SCOT, CDU) Het Rotterdam Climate Initiative is het klimaatprogramma van de gemeente Rotterdam, Deltalinqs, DCMR Milieudienst Rijnmond en Havenbedrijf Rotterdam NV. Het Rotterdam Climate Initiative is het klimaatprogramma van de gemeente Rotterdam, Deltalinqs, DCMR Milieudienst Rijnmond en Havenbedrijf Rotterdam NV. CCS in NW Europa, een logische combinatie! RCI goals, importance of energy efficiency CCS-netwerk in 2025: 17,5 Mton Re-use of industrial heat • Goal: 20 PJ in 2020 ▪Presentation SCOT: title CO Presentation re use 2 Title Subtitle Regions and Project Partners FP7 – Theme: Regions 2012–2013–1 Coordination and Support Action Grant agreement n° 319995 Start of WP3 ▪ Strategic European Research and Innovation Agenda for Europe in the field of CDU ▪ Main Project Deliverables & Target Audience JOINT ACTION PLAN (JAP) Strategic & policy paper [the future of CDU] Science & technology driven agenda Operational plan: to implement SERIA Long-term perspective 2030-2040 Mid-term perspective 2018-2025 Short-term perspective 2015-2020 TARGET AUDIENCE AIM STRATEGIC EUROPEAN RESEARCH & INNOVATION AGENDA (SERIA) TERM VISION 2030 Policy-makers, regulators, Member States Risk capital, private bankers, EIB, regional investment funds The European Industry The scientific community The European Commission (input for future R+D programmes) The European Institute of Technology (EIT) Risk capital, private bankers, EIB, regional investment funds Member States (ERDF, ERA-NET, national funding) PPPs, Knowledge-Intensive Communities European clusters Members of the SCOT community Regional authorities involved in SCOT (ERDF, regional investment funds) Status half way the project ▪ Mineralisation ▪ feasible first applications on the market ▪ products with added value ▪ Relatively small volumes ▪ Power to fuels ▪ Proof op principle, yes certainly ▪ First large scale pilot plants/demo’s o.a. Roozenburg ▪ Scaling up ▪ Combination of multiple steps in one step ▪ What about intermittency? Examples of Synthetic Fuels Methanol Dimethylether (DME) Ether Ethanol Propanol Higher branched alcohols Ethylene glycol Acetic acid Methane FP7 – Theme: Regions 2012–2013–1 Coordination and Support Action Grant agreement n° 319995 Chemical building blocks FP7 – Theme: Regions 2012–2013–1 Coordination and Support Action Grant agreement n° 319995 Questions always questions ▪ Power to fuels means first making hydrogen. Why not use that? ▪ When does which technology reach market readiness? ▪ Electrolysers ▪ Artificial leaves ▪ Plasma ▪ Intermittancy of power supply, consequences, how to deal with it? ▪ What kind of policies need to be in place to make CO2 re-use happen? FP7 – Theme: Regions 2012–2013–1 Coordination and Support Action Grant agreement n° 319995 Engage with SCOT Email us at: info@scotproject.org Join us at: www.scotproject.org hans.knippels@dcmr.nl CO2 as resource not as waste Thank you for your attention Questions? – Theme: Regions 2012–2013–1 Coordination and Support Action Grant agreement n° 319995