15 - 06 -2015 | 1 Between Modernity and Outmodedness Conceptions of authorship of Dutch realist novelists › Modern Dutch Literature / Meriel Benjamins [background] 15-06-2015 | 2 Dutch Middlebrow Literature 1930-1940 (RUG/OU) what literary historiography does 15-06-2015 | 3 [theory I] 15-06-2015 | 4 Amossy (2009) figure imaginaire ethos [theory II] 15-06-2015 | 5 Meizoz (2007) conduites sociales external effets de texte internal [Herman Robbers I] 15-06-2015 | 6 [Herman Robbers II] 15-06-2015 | 7 Textual / non-fictional 15-06-2015 | 8 - estheticism (≈ 80) - public oriented critique - non-polemic - anti-theoretical - refute image of romantic author (≠80) Textual / fictional 15-06-2015 | 9 Trilogy: Een mannenleven I: Sint Elmsvuur (1919) - 'epical' I - intertexts - poetical passages Behavioural 15-06-2015 | 10 Wagner theater (1910) P.H. Berlage 15-06-2015 | 11 Vooys / De Beweging (1910) D'Oliveira / De jongere generatie (1914) Ter Braak / Propria Cures (1924) Marsman / De Vrije Bladen (1925) Conclusions 15-06-2015 | 12 Concluding remarks - outmoded poetics, modern conception of literary field - no explicit positioning/demarcation w.r.t. predecessors - directed to heteronomous pole (both social/ commerical motives) - thematizing and minimalizing opposition bourgeoise / artistic dd-mm-jj | 13 middlebrow.nl m.b.h.benjamins@rug.nl