Tranquility Setting new standards of healthcare Vuk Devrnja International Medical Officer | Genoma Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing Genoma’s mission (NIPT) • Premium Swiss Quality – cutting-edge technologies and Noninvasive prenatal (NIPT) processes is a screening scientific knowledge on testing its automated to deliver the method forinformation detecting certain specificpreventive chromosomal vital genetic that enables and abnormalities in a developing baby. personalised medicine Noninvasive testing -istransformative a sophisticated blood test • Innovation andprenatal Developments research and that examines DNAbenefits in the maternal bloodstream to translating it into fetal tangible for society: technology determine whether a baby is at riskEurope of Down advancement accessible throughout atsyndrome, an affordable extra sequences of chromosome 13 (trisomy 13), extra price sequences of chromosome 18 (trisomy 18) or a sex chromosome as Turner syndrome. • Local presence abnormality, and Support such with close proximity to clients and medical community • Very high throughput platform (over 100’000 samples/year) Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) Genoma’s mission NIPT:Quality – cutting-edge technologies and •Principle PremiumofSwiss <scientific 1 % of total DNA in on maternal circulation is fetal to deliver the knowledge its automated processes 5-30 % of cell-free DNAthat in maternal blood stream vital genetic information enables preventive andis fetal personalised medicine NIPT utilises these in • Innovation and Developments - transformative research and order to determine translating it into tangible benefits for society: technology potential chromosomal advancement accessible throughout Europe at an affordable abnormalities without price exposing the mother or child to risk of • Local presence and Support with close proximity to clients and miscarriage of invasive medical community diagnostic techniques. • Very high throughput platform (over 100’000 samples/year) Prenatal testing methods not based on DNA Combined first-trimester testing (Triple Test): Blood test – weeks 9-13 Ultrasound – weeks 11-12 of gestation Factors influencing Triple Test: Gestational age, maternal weight, multiple pregnancy, IDDM, gravidity/parity, previous pregnancy Invasive testing based on DNA Chorion Villus Sampling Amniocentesis Analysis method Cytogenetics: • Karyotype • Fluorescence in Sito Hybridation (FISH) Molecular: Performed after 10-13 weeks of gestation Performed after 14 weeks of gestation Risks: Vaginal bleeding Amniotic fluid leakage Infections Chorio-amnionitis Fetal loss: 0.5% Risks: Transient vaginal spotting: 1-2% Amniotic fluid leakage: 1-2% Chorio-amnionitis: < 0.1% Needle injuries to the fetus (rare when ultrasonographic guidance is used) • Quantitative Fluorescence Polymerase chain reaction (QF-PCR) • Multiplex Ligation-Dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) • Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH) and Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP array) Aneuploidies screening objectives Increased sensitivity Reduced fetal invasion Fewer fetal losses Reduce the anxiety of the couple Early Lower cost Tranquility® - CE-IVD certified Genoma’s mission - Tranquility is a non-invasive test of fetal •DNA Premium Swiss Quality – cutting-edge technologies and with CE-IVD certification for scientific21, knowledge on(also its automated processes to deliver the trisomies 18 and 13 allows vitalsex genetic information that enables preventive and fetal determination). personalised medicine • Innovation and Developments - transformative research and - The entire process connected to for society: technology translating it into tangible benefits trisomies 21, 18accessible and 13 (collection, advancement throughout Europe at an affordable preparation, sequencing, bioinformatic price analysis and report) are in accordance •with: Local presence and Support with close proximity to clients and medical community In Vitro Diagnostics Directive (98/79/EC) • Very high throughput platform (over 100’000 samples/year) Tranquility Technology and expertise Genoma’s–mission • Premium Swiss Quality – cutting-edge technologies and Tranquility is knowledge based on whole scientific on its automated processes to deliver the genome sequencing, using Next vital genetic information that enables preventive and Generation Sequencing (NGS) personalised medicine platforms. • Innovation and Developments - transformative research and translating it into tangible Test is performed in thebenefits for society: technology advancement accessible throughout Europe at an affordable Genoma Swiss Biotechnology price laboratories in Geneva. • Local presence and Support with close proximity to clients and community Thismedical is the largest clinical genetics laboratory in Europe. • Very high throughput platform (over 100’000 samples/year) Tranquility mission – availability Genoma’s • Premium Swiss Quality – cutting-edge technologies and scientific knowledge on its automated processes to deliver the - Tranquility can be performed vital genetic information that enables preventive and any day of the week, personalised medicine 365 days a year gestational week in •10th Innovation and Developments - transformative research and translatingpregnancies it into tangible benefits for society: technology singleton advancement accessible 12th gestational week in throughout Europe at an affordable price multigestational pregnancies • Local presence and Support with close proximity to clients and - Results available 5 working medicalare community days after sample arrival to the •laboratory Very high throughput platform (over 100’000 samples/year) What is detected? Genoma’s mission • Premium Swiss Quality – cutting-edge Chromosomal Aneuploidies Gender technologies and scientific knowledge on its automated processes to deliver the Trisomy 21 Male vital genetic information that enables preventive and Trisomy 18 Female personalised medicine Trisomy 13 • Innovation and Developments - transformative research and Microdeletions Sex Chromosome Disorders translating it into tangible benefits for society: technology Angelman accessible Syndrome throughout Triple XEurope Syndrome advancement at (XXX) an affordable price Cri Du Chat Syndrome Jacobs Syndrome (XYY) DiGeorge Syndrome Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY) • Local presence and Support with close proximity to clients and Prader-Willi Syndrome Turner Syndrome (45 X) medical community 2q33.1 deletion Syndrome • Very high throughput platform (over 100’000 samples/year) Microdeletion syndromes Microdeletion syndrome DiGeorge syndrome Cri-du-chat Syndrome (5p-) location 22q11.2 deletion 5p15.2 Size deleted Incidence >3Mb (~85% of cases) 1/4,000 Clinical features • Variable intellectual disability, • Heart defects (74% of individuals), • Palatal abnormalities • Immune deficiency • Normal lifespan. 3.2 Mb – 30 Mb 1 in 20,000-50,000 • Significant intellectual disability, • Cat-like cry, dysmorphic features • 10% mortality in first year Prader-Willi Syndrome 15q11.2-q13 5-6Mb 1 in 10,000-25,000 • Severe hypotonia • Feeding difficulties in early infancy, followed by excessive eating leading to morbid obesity. • Developmental delay • Hypogonadism, short stature, characteristic facial features Angelman Syndrome 15q11.2-q13 5-6Mb 1 in 12,000 • Intellectual disability & developmental delay • Speech impairment, • Ataxia, seizures, dysmorphic features • Normal lifespan Microdeletion detection challenges Resolution of the analysis is determined by the number of reads: Uniquely mapped reads : longer reads have more chances to be unique Resolution of 3 Mb would require 150M reads Resolution of 2 Mb would require 192M reads Resolution of 1 Mb would require 380M reads -> too expensive for a screening test Range of currently implemented tests: from 2M to 25M Tranquilitymission - process Genoma’s • Premium Swiss Quality – cutting-edge technologies and scientific knowledge on its automated processes to deliver the vital genetic information that enables preventive and personalised medicine • Innovation and Developments - transformative research and translating it into tangible benefits for society: technology advancement accessible throughout Europe at an affordable price • Local presence and Support with close proximity to clients and medical community • Very high throughput platform (over 100’000 samples/year) Genoma’s mission Testing process Tranquility utilises Next Generation Sequencing (NGS): • Premium Swiss Quality – cutting-edge technologies and Innovative high tech method for genome sequencing, which can scientific knowledge on its automated processes to deliver the be used to detect chromosomal abnormalities. vital genetic information that enables preventive and personalised medicine In principle, bases of small fragment of DNA are sequentially identified fromand signals emitted as each fragment is re- and • Innovation Developments - transformative research synthesised DNA template translatingfrom it intoa tangible benefitsstrand. for society: technology advancement accessible throughout Europe at an affordable price NGS extends across millions of reactions in a massively parallel fashion, rather than being limited to a single or a few DNA • Local presence and Support with sequencing close proximity clients and fragments. This advance enables of to large stretches medical community of DNA base pairs spanning entire genomes, with instruments capable of producing hundreds of gigabases of data in a single • Very high throughput platform (over 100’000 samples/year) sequencing run. Technology comparisson Technology comparisson Technology comparison Genome-wide MPS (Tranquility) - Low Assay failure rates - Faster analysis times - Ability to add new content to test menu FetalDNA fractionGenoma’s missionfactors • Premium Swiss Quality – cutting-edge technologies and scientific on its automated processes to deliver the Maternal knowledge weight genetic information that enables preventive and The vital amount of maternal cell-free DNA personalised medicine increases with an increase in body weight. Increased maternal weight may prevent a satisfiable isolation cell-free-fetal DNA • Innovation andofDevelopments - transformative research and translating it into tangible benefits for society: technology advancement accessible throughout Europe at an affordable Maternal health price Certain health conditions, such as infections, cancer or other conditions that may require • Local presence blood transfusion, alsoand maySupport prevent with close proximity to clients and satisfiable isolation of cell-free-fetal DNA. medical community • Very high throughput platform (over 100’000 samples/year) sis ation th oton or Tranquility technical workflow Bioinformatic analysis and report generation – InKaryo biotechnology - Data imported automatically from Ion Proton and process on a CE-IVD certified software - Calculation of risk of affected or unaffected pregnancy - Process takes 5-7 minutes per sample - A validity check based on sequencing data quality, fetal fraction estimate, number of sequencing reads is performed to ensure the validity of results Advanced bioinformatics Genoma’s mission An• advanced is utilised for Premiumalgorithm Swiss Quality – cutting-edge technologies and analysing sequenced samples, scientific knowledge on its automated processes to deliver the evaluating the chromosome numbers, vital genetic information that enables preventive and and other characteristics. personalised medicine The most advanced bioinformatics- transformative research and • Innovation and Developments platform used for analysis is called translating it into tangible benefits for society: technology InKaryo and is theaccessible property ofthroughout Europe at an affordable advancement Genoma price Swiss Biotechnology. • Local presence and Support with close proximity to clients and Calculating the fetal fraction and incorporating it into the bioinformatics medical community algorithm allows Tranquility the highest levels of analytical performance as well • Very high throughput platform (over 100’000 samples/year) as reliability and reproducibility. Evolution of Cytogenetic Testing • Highlights in e-karyotyping development Karyotyping ~1950 Microscope FISH ~1998 DNA Label CMA ~2004 Array eKaryotype™ 2013 Next-gen sequencing - From analog to digital - NGS performance exceeds that of Chromosomal MicroArrays (CMA) - Cost inflection point is occurring now Genoma’s mission workflow InKaryo eKaryotype Karyotype Specific Massive Parallel Shotgun Sequencing (KS-MPSS) • Premium Swiss Quality – cutting-edge technologies and scientific knowledge on its automated processes to deliver the vital genetic information that enables preventive and personalised medicine Sample and Developments Library- transformative research Shotgun and • Innovation Requisition Preparation Sequencing translating it into tangible benefits for society: technology advancement accessible throughout Europe at an affordable price • Local presence and Support with close proximity to clients and Proprietary Bioinformatics medical community • Very high throughput platform (over 100’000 samples/year) eKaryotyping Bioinformatics eKaryotype InKaryo eKaryotype: CGH Array Karyotype: The central grey band almost becomes a line, indicating The width of the central grey band represents the noise for quantifying significant noise reduction in quantifying the 2 copies of 2 copies of chromosome chromosome bins. Results Genoma’s mission • Premium Swiss Quality – cutting-edge technologies and scientific knowledge on its automated processes to deliver the vital genetic information that enables preventive and personalised medicine • Innovation and Developments - transformative research and translating it into tangible benefits for society: technology advancement accessible throughout Europe at an affordable price • Local presence and Support with close proximity to clients and medical community • Very high throughput platform (over 100’000 samples/year) Results Genoma’s mission Results of Tranquility present the absence of • Premium Swiss Quality – cutting-edge technologies and risk that the fetus carries a chromosomal scientific knowledge on its automated processes to deliver the aneuploidy or microdeletion. If requested sex vital genetic information that enables preventive and determination will be performed as well. personalised medicine In twin pregnancies Tranquility will determine • Innovation and Developments - transformative research and the risk of one of the feti having a trisomy 21, translating it into tangible benefits for society: technology 18 or 13. If requested. Presence of Y advancement chromosome will be accessible determined. throughout Europe at an affordable price Chromosome 21, 18, 13 (CE-IVD): • Local presence and Support with close proximity to clients and - “Aneuploidy detected” medical not community - “Aneuploidy • Very highdetected” throughput platform (over 100’000 samples/year) Results Genoma’s mission Sex chromosome aneuploidies: • Premium Swiss Quality – cutting-edge technologies and - “Results consistent with two sex scientific knowledge on its automated processes to deliver the chromosomes” – based on country vital genetic information that enables preventive and - “Result consistent with sex chromosome personalised medicine aneuploidy” - Aneuploidy detected will be listed as: • Innovation and Developments - transformative research and XXY, XXX, X, XYY. translating it into tangible benefits for society: technology advancement accessible throughout Europe at an affordable Microdeletions: price “Detected” - one or more microdeletions has been detected. The and reportSupport will contain the proximity to clients and • Local presence with close genomic position and size of microdeletion medical community on a chromosome. If the microdeletion has previously been associated with the specific • Very high throughput platform (over 100’000 samples/year) syndrome, such designation will be provided. Genoma SA 12, Chemin des Aulx 1228 Plan Les Ouates, Geneva