lOMoARcPSD|6641116 Lesvoorbereiding - The Weather Engels Taal en Cutuur 2 (Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen) StuDocu wordt niet gesponsord of ondersteund door een hogeschool of universiteit Gedownload door Seppe Verbeek (seppeverbeek@hotmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|6641116 Departement Onderwijs & Training Campus Noord Noorderplaats 2 – 2000 Antwerpen LESVOORBEREIDING Student: Cem Karaca Secundair onderwijs Opleidingsvak: Engels SO O BBP 4 School/organisatie: ………………………………….Mentor:……………………………………….… Datum: 21/03/2016 Vak: Engels Lesblok: 1 lesuur van 50’ Lesonderwerp: Wallace and Gromit: What’s the weather like? Beginsituatie ASO Jaar: 2 ASO Klas: Aantal lln. ……… Voorkennis en voorervaring The pupils can form basic English sentences. The pupils roughly know the geography of the UK: England – Wales – Scotland – Northern Ireland Belangstelling / motivatie Andere (leerlingengegevens en klas- en situationele omstandigheden die van invloed zijn op deze les en waar je ook rekening mee houdt) Eigen leerpunt in de kijker Use of “euhm” Leerpunt gekozen uit feedback mentor – feedback lector Leerplandoelen/Procesdoelen met referentie 2010/001 GO! LEERPLANDOELSTELLING 4: de leerlingen kunnen op beschrijvend niveau informatie selecteren uit informatieve, prescriptieve en narratieve teksten LEERPLANDOELSTELLING 35: De leerlingen kunnen bij het uitvoeren van hun taaltaken de vereiste lexicale en grammaticale elementen functioneel inzetten LEERPLANDOELSTELLING 10: de leerlingen kunnen op beschrijvend niveau de informatie selecteren uit informatieve, prescriptieve en narratieve teksten. LEERPLANDOELSTELLING 15: de leerlingen kunnen op beschrijvend niveau vooraf gekende informatie uit informatieve en narratieve teksten meedelen LEERPLANDOELSTELLING 31: de leerlingen kunnen op beschrijvend niveau een gebeurtenis, een verhaal, iets of iemand beschrijven door middel van een opsomming in korte zinnen. LEERPLANDOELSTELLING 40: de leerlingen stellen zich open voor de esthetische component van teksten Vakoverschrijdende eindtermen/Ontwikkelingsdoelen met referentie VOET@2010 De leerlingen: 1 brengen belangrijke elementen van communicatief handelen in praktijk; 1 hebben een positieve houding tegenover ICT en zijn bereid ICT te gebruiken om hen te ondersteunen bij het leren. 10 Bij het oplossen van een probleem: • herformuleren de leerlingen het probleem; • bedenken zij onder begeleiding een oplossingsweg en lichten die toe; • passen zij de gevonden oplossingsweg toe. Gedownload door Seppe Verbeek (seppeverbeek@hotmail.com) Pagina 1 van 6 lOMoARcPSD|6641116 13 De leerlingen vergelijken de eigen werkwijze met die van anderen en geven vervolgens aan waarom iets fout gegaan is en hoe fouten vermeden kunnen worden. 11 De leerlingen selecteren en ordenen het nodige materiaal en plannen onder begeleiding hun werktijd. Lesdoelen (noteren per lesdoel : kennis (k), vaardigheden (v), attitudes (a) ) (3-5) evaluatievorm 1. The pupils must be able to find the main idea of a shown video fragment and explain it. (a short summary) 2. The pupils must be able to recognize the weather from a shown video and/or audio fragment. 3. The pupils must be able to describe the weather using the correct vocabulary. 4. The pupils must be able to deduce correct and wrong information from a given weather forecast. 5. The pupils must be able to write a short text, including weather vocabulary, to describe the weather. 1. Vragen stellen 2. Taak 3. Observatie 4. Taak 5. Taak Materiaal aan te vragen Beamer, PC Materiaal zelf te voorzien Worksheets PowerPoint Weather Cards Lesstructuur 1. PRESENTATION PowerPoint and 1 fragment from ‘the wrong trousers’ introducing weather vocabulary. Further getting to know different kinds of weather. (listening, speaking skills) 2. PRACTICE Worksheets to practice weather vocabulary with the 4 skills. (4 exercises) 3. PRODUCTION The pupils have to create their own weather forecast for the next week Gedownload door Seppe Verbeek (seppeverbeek@hotmail.com) Pagina 2 van 6 lOMoARcPSD|6641116 Lesdoel nr. 1,2 Leerinhoud Onderwijsleeractiviteiten Leermiddelen/ klasorganisatie Timing (min.) 1. PRESENTATION 1. PRESENTATION 1. PRESENTATION Rain Thunder Lightning A collar Trousers The teacher explains who Wallace and Gromit are. listening 1 He asks if any of the pupils recognize the duo. If not, he shortly explains they are the best of friends. listening, speaking 1 The teacher shows the fragment in which Gromit leaves the house. In this fragment, there is some weather vocabulary present. listening 3 The teacher asks the pupils to identify the three types of weather that are shown. listening, speaking - in class 1 The teacher shows a scheme in which different kinds of weather are shown, with a picture. The teacher briefly explains what each weather type exactly is. If the pupils already know some of them, they can answer and explain. Listening, speaking 7 PowerPoint video fragments to make the vocabulary visual. Pagina 3 van 6 Gedownload door Seppe Verbeek (seppeverbeek@hotmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|6641116 2,3,4 2.PRACTICE 2. PRACTICE like chance degrees temperature but best The teacher hands out worksheets and briefly explains the exercises. There are 4 exercises the pupils have to do. Sun – sunny Cloud – cloudy Partly cloudy – partly sunny Rain – rainy Snow – snowy Sleet – sleeting Storm – stormy Lightning Thunder Hail – hailing Wind- windy Fog – foggy Ice- icy – frosty Tornado – cyclone – typhoon – hurricane Rainbow Clear sky – dry Hot Warm Cold – cool – chill Freezing Humid Thermometer 2. PRACTICE Exercise 1: The pupils look outside from one of the windows. They say what the weather is like at that moment. They try to find as much information and as many words as possible. speaking - in class 1 Exercise 2: The exercise consists of sentences with gaps. The pupils listen to a weather forecast. The pupils have to fill in the gaps in the sentences. Writing, listening - individually 3 Exercise 3: The teacher divides the class into 4 groups. Each group gets an identical ‘weather card’. They find pictures of different kinds of weather on the card. They try to find as many words as possible that relate to the specific picture. Speaking, writing - In groups 10 This is a game in which the 4 groups play against each other. They try to score as many points as possible. They have 2 minutes to find these words. Afterwards, they give their card to a different group and they correct it. The teacher shows the correction on the smartboard. Pagina 4 van 6 Gedownload door Seppe Verbeek (seppeverbeek@hotmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|6641116 (snow)flake (rain)drop rain temperature Celsius degrees cloudy thunderstorms dry clear up sunny stormy Exercise 4: The exercise consist of a weather forecast, and a set of statements. The pupils look at the forecast. They determine whether the statements are true or false. If false, they correct them. Reading, writing - Individually 8 Worksheets to practice vocabulary. These exercises train all 4 skills. 3,5 3. PRODUCTION 3. PRODUCTION All vocabulary from previous exercises is applied in this production exercise. Mr. Hargreaves decided to pursue a new career as weatherman. The pupils have to help him out. They have to write a weather forecast, in complete sentences for the next week. Monday until Sunday. They are free to write what they want. It doesn’t need to be logical. They have to use at least 2 weather items per day aside from the temperature. 3. PRODUCTION writing individually 10 Powerpoint, video fragments The pupils can now apply the vocabulary they learned this lesson. Pagina 5 van 6 Gedownload door Seppe Verbeek (seppeverbeek@hotmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|6641116 Bronnen (gebruikte handleiding, referentiewerken, websites, bibliografie…) British Council. The weather. Retrieved on 19/03/2016, van http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening-skills-practice/weather-forecast MovieClips (2015). The Day After Tomorrow (1/5) Movie CLIP - Tornadoes Destroy Hollywood (2004) HD. Retrieved on 19/03/2016, van https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkErNkX2HKM Bijlagen (laat staan wat van toepassing is) Worksheets PowerPoint (Board scheme included) Weather cards (corrected) Observatiegegevens over de leerlingen De leerlingen vertoonden in deze les gewenst gedrag tijdens… omdat ik… omdat zij… De leerlingen vertoonden in deze les ongewenst gedrag tijdens… omdat… Pagina 6 van 6 Gedownload door Seppe Verbeek (seppeverbeek@hotmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|6641116 1. 2. Listen to the weather forecast. Fill in the gaps. _______________ today. 2. In the of some rain, too. 3. The temperature is around 10 _______________ centigrade. afternoon. The _______________ is a bit higher, at around 13 degrees. 5. In the west and middle of the country the weather is dry _______________ cloudy. most of the time but sunny this afternoon. 3. Divide the class into 4 groups. Each group will get a weather card. On this card, you will find pictures that depict different types of weather. You will try to find as many words as you can that match the picture. Each word is worth 1 point. You get 2 minutes to find as many words as possible. Gedownload door Seppe Verbeek (seppeverbeek@hotmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|6641116 4. Look at the two weather forecasts below. Read the statements carefully. Are they true or false? Correct where necessary. 1. There will be some rain in the Southwest in the afternoon. T/F 2. The maximum temperature will be around 18 degrees Celsius. T/F 3. It will rain all day in the Southwest. T/F 4. There will be a lot of rain in Wales in the morning. T/F 5. There will be thunderstorms in Wales in the morning. T/F 6. It will stay dry in the Southeast the whole day. T/F 7. The temperatures in the afternoon will be higher than in the morning. T/F 8. The highest temperatures will be reached in Scotland. T/F 9. It will clear up in Scotland in the afternoon. T/F 10. The morning will be sunny in all parts of Britain. T/F Gedownload door Seppe Verbeek (seppeverbeek@hotmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|6641116 Gedownload door Seppe Verbeek (seppeverbeek@hotmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|6641116 Gedownload door Seppe Verbeek (seppeverbeek@hotmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|6641116 Gedownload door Seppe Verbeek (seppeverbeek@hotmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|6641116 Gedownload door Seppe Verbeek (seppeverbeek@hotmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|6641116 Gedownload door Seppe Verbeek (seppeverbeek@hotmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|6641116 Gedownload door Seppe Verbeek (seppeverbeek@hotmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|6641116 Gedownload door Seppe Verbeek (seppeverbeek@hotmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|6641116 Gedownload door Seppe Verbeek (seppeverbeek@hotmail.com)