825 E 1180 S. Suite 310
American Fork, UT. 84003
Sharing the virtue and benefits of Rain products is one way you can grow your Rain business.
Compliant claims are structure/function claims and do not make drug or medical claims. Click
here to learn how to craft a compliant structure/function claim that will help you be successful
and keep the Company safe.
Company-approved product claims are:
Helps support healthy joints*
Relieves minor muscle pain after exercise*
Helps maintain a healthy immune system*
Promotes a healthy cardiovascular system*
Neutralizes free radicals*
Protects against DNA damage*
Helps absorption of Vitamin C and E*
Supports a healthy immune system*
Supports blood flow to the brain for healthy cognition*
Supports healthy liver function*
Supports mitochondrial function*
Helps maintain blood glucose levels already within normal range*
You’ll notice an asterisk after each claim. Whenever you make a structure/function claim, it needs
to be linked to the following disclaimer. Here is the text of the disclaimer, which needs to be in
bold font and set off in a box:
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Please contact the RPEC team, should you have any questions regarding company-approved
claims. Reach us by emailing compliance@rainintl.com or phone 855.724.6605.
Revised Apr. 2015