1.1 LOKALE ALGEMENE BANKEN 1.1. LOCAL GENERAL BANKS Activo Bank N.V.* Julianaplein 22 Willemstad CURAÇAO Banco di Caribe N.V. Schottegatweg Oost 205 P.O. Box 3785 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 432 3000 Fax: (599 9) 461 5220 E-mail: info@bancodicaribe.com Website: www.bancodicaribe.com Maduro & Curiel's Bank N.V. Plaza Jojo Correa 2-4 P.O. Box 305 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 466 1100 Fax: (599 9) 466 1130 E-mail: info@mcb-bank.com Website: www.mcb-bank.com Orco Bank N.V. Landhuis Cerrito Schottegatweg Oost z/n P.O. Box 4928 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 732 7000 Fax: (599 9) 737 6425 E-mail: info@orcobank.com Website: www.orcobank.com *Activo Bank N.V. is nog niet operationeel (Activo Bank N.V. is not yet operational) 2 SFT Bank N.V. Schottegatweg Oost 44 P.O. Box 707 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 732 2900 Fax: (599 9) 732 2905 E-mail: info@sftbank.com Website: www.sftbank.com The Windward Islands Bank Ltd. Clem Labega Square P.O. Box 220 Philipsburg SINT MAARTEN Tel: (1-721) 542 2313 Fax: (1-721) 542 6355 E-mail: info@wib-bank.net Website: www.wib-bank.net Girobank N.V. is onderhavig aan de noodregeling per December 16, 2013 en de Centrale Bank van Curaçao en Sint Maarten oefent bij uitsluiting alle bevoegdheden van de bestuurders en de commissarissen van de kredietinstelling uit. (Girobank N.V. is placed under the emergency measure as per December 16, 2013 and the Centrale Bank van Curaçao en Sint Maarten to the exclusion of any other party, exercises all the powers of the managing directors and supervisory directors of the credit institution) Afdeling Toezicht Banken Banking Supervision Department Krachtens artikel 11, lid 6, van de Landsverordening toezicht bank- en kredietwezen 1994 (PB 1994, no. 4) (zoals herzien), publiceert de Centrale Bank van Curaçao en Sint Maarten hierbij de lijst van ondernemingen of instellingen die op 31 december 2015 in het bezit waren van de vereiste vergunning om het bedrijf van een kredietinstelling in Curaçao en/of Sint Maarten te mogen uitoefenen, inclusief de bijlagen van de natuurlijke personen en kredietinstellingen met een ontheffing. Pursuant to article 11, paragraph 6 of the National Ordinance on the Supervision of Banking and Credit Institutions of 1994 (N.G. 1994, no. 4) (as amended), the Centrale Bank van Curaçao en Sint Maarten hereby publishes the list of corporations or institutions licensed on December 31, 2015 to operate as a credit institution in Curaçao and/or Sint Maarten, including the appendixes of the natural persons or credit institutions with a dispensation. 1.2 DOCHTERS VAN BUITENLANDSE BANKEN 1.2 SUBSIDIARIES OF FOREIGN BANKS RBC Royal Bank N.V.1 Kaya Flamboyan 1 Willemstad CURAÇAO 1voorheen (formerly) RBTT Bank N.V. 1.3 BIJKANTOREN VAN BUITENLANDSE BANKEN 1.3 BRANCHES OF FOREIGN BANKS Banque Européenne du Crédit Mutuel1 Union Road 133 Tamarind Plaza Cole Bay Philipsburg SINT MAARTEN Tel: (1-721) 546 0609 Fax: (1-721) 546 0618 E-mail: 00150@becm.an Website: www.becm.an FirstCaribbean International Bank (Cayman) Limited Backstreet 38 P.O. Box 941 Philipsburg SINT MAARTEN Tel: (1-721) 542 3511/ 542 2491 Fax: (1-721) 542 4531 Website: www.cibcfcib.com FirstCaribbean International Bank (Cayman) Limited, Curaçao Branch De Ruyterkade 61 P.O. Box 3144 Willemstad CURACAO Tel: (5999) 433 8000 Fax: (5999) 433 8198 E-mail: bank.curacao@cibcfcib.com Website: www.cibcfcib.com/curacao The Bank of Nova Scotia Backstreet 54 P.O. Box 303 Philipsburg SINT MAARTEN Tel: (1-721) 542 2262/ 542 3317 Fax: (1-721) 542 2435 E-mail: bns.stmaarten@scotiabank.com Website: www.stmaarten.scotiabank.com 1 voorheen (formerly) Banque de l’Economie du Commerce et de la Monétique 1.4 KREDIETVERENIGINGEN 1.4 CREDIT UNIONS Algemene Spaar- en Kredietcoöperatie ACU Pater Euwensweg 7 P.O. Box 497 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 434 7100 Fax: (599 9) 462 7087 Email: info@acu.cw Website: www.acu.cw Coöperatieve Crediet Vereniging Wescar Industriepark Heintje Kool z/n P.O. Box 3508 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 869 2274 Fax: (599 9) 869 3086 Coöperatieve Spaar- en Credietvereniging San Pedro Ascencion 7A Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 864 1765/ 864 2403 Fax: (599 9) 864 1144 Coöperatieve Spaar en Kredietvereniging Kooperativa Bankario, Trust i Aseguro (Kobata) Rooi Catootjeweg 6C Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 738 6207/ 738 8607 Fax: (599 9) 738 6407 E-mail: info@kobata.net Website: www.kobata.net 2 Coöperatieve Spaar - en Kredietvereniging Utiliteitsbedrijven (Utility Credit Union) Weg naar Welgelegen 18 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 462 7580/ 465 1486 Fax: (599 9) 462 7580/ 465 1486 E-mail: utilitycreditunion@gmail.com/ info@ucu-curacao.com Website: www.ucu-curacao.com Coöperatieve Spaar- en Kredietvereniging UTS N.V. (Credit Union UTS N.V.) F.D. Rooseveltweg 337 P.O. Box 3177 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 777 1352 Fax: (599 9) 777 1992 E-mail: karta@creditunionuts-an.com Website: www.creditunionuts-an.com Koperativa Spar i Krédito Aviashon (K.S.K.A.) F.D. Rooseveltweg 505 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 868 8588 Fax: (599 9) 868 3903 E-mail: kska0772@gmail.com Website: www.kska72.com Kooperativa KEP Schottegatweg West 359 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 868 3290/ 869 5541/ 869 0054 Fax: (599 9) 869 3646 E-mail: info@kep.an Website: www.kepcreditunion.org Kooperativa di Spar i Krédito Santa Familia Habri Curaçaostraat 50 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 462 3676 Fax: (599 9) 462 3676 E-mail: sta.famia@onenet.an Afdeling Toezicht Banken Banking Supervision Department Krachtens artikel 11, lid 6, van de Landsverordening toezicht bank- en kredietwezen 1994 (PB 1994, no. 4) (zoals herzien), publiceert de Centrale Bank van Curaçao en Sint Maarten hierbij de lijst van ondernemingen of instellingen die op 31 december 2015 in het bezit waren van de vereiste vergunning om het bedrijf van een kredietinstelling in Curaçao en/of Sint Maarten te mogen uitoefenen, inclusief de bijlagen van de natuurlijke personen en kredietinstellingen met een ontheffing. Pursuant to article 11, paragraph 6 of the National Ordinance on the Supervision of Banking and Credit Institutions of 1994 (N.G. 1994, no. 4) (as amended), the Centrale Bank van Curaçao en Sint Maarten hereby publishes the list of corporations or institutions licensed on December 31, 2015 to operate as a credit institution in Curaçao and/or Sint Maarten, including the appendixes of the natural persons or credit institutions with a dispensation. 1.7 SPAAR- EN KREDIETFONDSEN 1.7 SAVINGS AND CREDIT FUNDS Stichting Fundashon Nos Deseo Schouwburgweg 44, Tweede verdieping Willemstad CURAÇAO Stichting Personeelsvoorzieningsfonds Autobusbedrijf Curaçao Industrieterrein Buena Vista z/n Willemstad CURAÇAO 1.6 SPAARBANKEN 1.6 SAVINGS BANKS PSB Bank N.V.1 Waaigatplein 1 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 432 2000 Fax: (599 9) 465 1980 E-mail: info@psbbanknv.com Website: www.psbbanknv.com 1 PSB Bank N.V. is rechtsopvolger van (legal successor of) Postspaarbank van de Nederlandse Antillen 1.7 SPAAR- EN KREDIETFONDSEN 1.7 SAVINGS AND CREDIT FUNDS Stichting Fundashon Nos Deseo Schouwburgweg 44, Tweede verdieping Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 736 9926/ 737 0119 Fax: (599 9) 737 5250 E-mail: nosdeseo@gmail.com Stichting Personeelsvoorzieningsfonds Autobusbedrijf Curaçao Industrieterrein Buena Vista z/n Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 868 4733 Fax: (599 9) 888 3033 2.1 GECONSOLIDEERDE INTERNATIONALE BANKEN 2.1 CONSOLIDATED INTERNATIONAL BANKS Banco Industrial de Venezuela (Curaçao Branch) Handelskade 12 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 461 1625 Fax: (599 9) 461 6534 Banco Nacional de Crédito, C.A. Banco Universal Sucursal Curaçao World Trade Center Curaçao Floor 3, BC II 11 Piscadera Bay P.O. Box 6202 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 463 6304/ 463 6305 Fax: (599 9) 463 6545 Website: www.bnc.com.ve Banco Provincial S.A. (Curaçao Branch) Santa Rosaweg 51-53 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 737 6010/ 737 6054 Fax: (599 9) 737 6346 Banco de Venezuela, S.A. Banco Universal (Curaçao Branch) Handelskade 12 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 461 9131 Fax: (599 9) 461 9331 Website: www.bancodevenezuela.com DVB Bank America N.V. Gaitoweg 35 P.O. Box 3107 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 431 8700 Fax: (599 9) 431 8749 Website: www.dvbbank.com 2 FirstCaribbean International Bank (Curaçao) N.V.1 De Ruyterkade 61 P. O. Box 3144 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 433 8000 Fax: (599 9) 433 8198 Email: bank.curacao@cibcfcib.com Website: www.cibcfcib.com/curacao Mercantil C.A. Banco Universal Agencia Curazao2 Abraham de Veerstraat 1 P. O. Box 565 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 432 5000 Fax: (599 9) 461 1974/ 432 5049 Website: www.bancomercantil.com Rabobank Curaçao N.V. Kaya W.F.G. (Jombi) Mensing 14 P.O. Box 3876 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 465 2011 Fax: (599 9) 465 2066 Website: www.rabobank.com 1 2 voorheen (formerly) ABN AMRO Bank Curaçao N.V. voorheen (formerly) Banco Mercantil C.A. S.A.I.C.A. (Curaçao Branch) 3 2.2 NIET-GECONSOLIDEERDE INTERNATIONALE BANKEN 2.2. NON-CONSOLIDATED INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bancaribe Curaçao Bank N.V. World Trade Center Curaçao, IBC III D Piscadera Bay P.O. Box 6087 Willemstad CU R A Ç A O Tel: (599 9) 465 0054 Fax: (599 9) 463 6556 Website: www.bcbbank.com Banco del Orinoco N.V. Windstraat 3, 1st Floor Handelskade, Punda P.O.Box 6108 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 465 4854 Fax: (599 9) 465 4851 Website: www.bancodelorinoconv.com Banco Provincial Overseas N.V. Santa Rosaweg 51-53 P.O. Box 3212 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 737 6010 Fax: (599 9) 737 6346 Banesco N.V. 3 Kaya W.F.G. (Jombi) Mensing 36C P.O. Box 3141 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 461 1299/ 465 2254 Fax: (599 9) 465 0565 E-mail: atencionclientes_nv@banesco.com Website: www.sfabank.com 3 voorheen (formerly) Société Financière des Antilles N.V. 4 Blue Bank International N.V.4 Abraham de Veerstraat 9 P.O. Box 132 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 461 3967 Fax: (599 9) 461 3167 E-mail: info@bluebankinternational.com Website: www.bluebankinternational.com Citco Banking Corporation N.V. De Ruyterkade 62 P.O. Box 707 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 732 2322 Fax: (599 9) 732 2330 E-mail: curaçao-bank@citco.com Website: www.citco.com EBNA Bank N.V. Kaya W.F.G. (Jombi) Mensing 36B P.O. Box 8110 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 465 6813 Fax: (599 9) 465 6811 E-mail: bank@ebnanv.com Website: www.ebnanv.com Exprinter International Bank N.V. Pietermaai 123 P.O. Box 6066 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 843 7300 Fax: (599 9) 461 7835 E-mail: info@eib-bank.com Website: www.eib-bank.com Girobank International N.V. Scharlooweg 35 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 433 9999 Fax: (599 9) 461 0336 Website: www.girobank.cw 4 voorheen (formerly) Premier Bank International N.V. 5 LAAD Americas N.V. Zeelandia Office Park, 1st Floor Kaya W.F.G. (Jombi) Mensing 14 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 461 2331 Fax: (599 9) 461 2332 E-mail: curacao@laadsa.com Website: www.laadsa.com Maduro & Curiel’s Bank International N.V. Plaza Jojo Correa 2-4 P.O. Box 305 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 466 1100 Fax: (599 9) 466 1130 E-mail: info@mcb-bank.com Website: www.mcb-bank.com Mercantil Bank (Curaçao) N.V.5 A.M. Chumaceiro Bulevar 1 P.O. Box 565 Willemstad C U R A ÇA O Tel: (599 9) 432 5000 Fax: (599 9) 432 5049/ 461 1974 Website: www.mercantilbankcuracao.com National Investment Bank (NA) N.V. 6 J. B. Gorsiraweg 4 P.O. Box 4773 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 462 1116 Fax: (599 9) 462 1527 Website: www.nibanc.com NBAD Americas N.V.7 Kaya W.F.G. (Jombi) Mensing 36 P.O. Box 3141 Willemstad CUR AÇAO Tel: (599 9) 461 1299 Fax: (599 9) 461 5392 5 voorheen (formerly) Banco Mercantil Venezolano N.V. voorheen (formerly) NIBC Bank (NA) N.V. 7 voorheen (formerly) Abu Dhabi International Bank N.V. 6 6 Noro Bank N.V. Pletterijweg 43, 2nd floor Parrera P.O. Box 3040 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 465 0320 Fax: (599 9) 465 0322 Website: www.norobank.com Orco Bank International N.V. Landhuis Cerrito Schottegatweg Oost z/n P.O. Box 4928 Willemstad C U R A Ç A O N. A. Tel: (599 9) 732 7000 Fax: (599 9) 737 6741 Email: info@orcobank.com Website: www.orcobank.com RBC Royal Bank International N.V. 8 Kaya Flamboyan 1 P.O. Box 763 Willemstad CUR AÇAO Tel: (599 9) 763 8000 Fax: (599 9) 737 1089 Website: www.rbc.com/caribbean Republic International Bank N.V. 9 Cas Coraweg 1 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 738 2344 Fax: (599 9) 738 2355 E-mail: info@ribnv.com Website: www.ribnv.com Sky Bank N.V. World Trade Center Curaçao BC, piso 3, Oficina 10 Piscadera Bay Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 463 6204 Fax: (599 9) 463 65 72 Website: www.skybanknv.com 8 voorheen 9 (formerly) RBTT Bank International N.V. voorheen (formerly) Banco Caracas N.V. 7 South American International Bank Curaçao N.V. Plasa Smeets 6 Willemstad CURAÇAO Tel: (599 9) 461 0888 Fax: (599 9) 461 0868 E-mail: bankingsupport@sai-bank.com Website: www.sai-bank.com Total Bank Curaçao N.V. Pos Cabai Office Park, Unit #21 Schouwburgweg Willemstad CUR A ÇAO Tel: (599 9) 461 2621/ 461 2617 / 461 2329 Fax: (599 9) 461 2618 E-mail: atencionalcliente@totalbankcuracao.an / operaciones@totalbankcuracao.an Website: www.totalbankcuraçao.an The Windward Islands Bank International N.V. Clem Labega Square P.O. Box 220 Philipsburg SINT MAARTEN Tel: (1-721) 542 2313 Fax: (1-721) 542 6355 E-mail: info@wib-bank.net Website: www.wib-bank.net United International Bank N.V. Landhuis Joonchi II Kaya Richard J. Beaujon z/n P.O. Box 152 Willemstad CURACAO Tel: (599 9) 733 1888 Fax: (599 9) 767 0057 E-mail: info@united-ibank.com Website: www.united-ibank.com