Powerpoint - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Opening Workshop DAS-2
(Distributed ASCI Supercomputer 2)
vrije Universiteit
10.00 - 11.00
- Onno Boxma (NWO-GBE, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology)
- Ian Foster (Argonne National Laboratory)
Open Grid Services Architecture
11.30 - 11.40 Henri Bal (VU) - Introduction DAS-2
11.40 - 12.00 John Romein (VU) - Retrograde analysis
12.00 - 12.30 Dick Epema (Delft) - Processor co-allocation
13.45 - 14.30 Daron Green (IBM) - IBM and Grid computing
14.30 - 15.00 Adam Belloum (Amsterdam) - Virtual laboratories
15.30 - 16.00 Herbert Bos & Lex Wolters (Leiden) - Education
16.00 - 16.30 Aad van der Steen (Utrecht) - Distributed data assimilation
Distributed ASCI Supercomputer 2
Henri Bal
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Faculty of Sciences
Distributed ASCI Supercomputer (1)
• Shared testbed for research on parallel and
distributed computing
- Set up by ASCI research school in 1997
- Geographically distributed cluster-based system
- 4 clusters with 200 nodes in total
- Homogeneous (same processors,
network, OS)
• Opening workshop: 2 March 1998
- Carl Kesselman, Andrew Grimshaw
Second testbed: DAS-2
• ASCI obtained funding from N.W.O. in June 2000
• ASCI committee to do detailed design and selection
- Henri Bal, Bob Hertzberger, Henk Sips, Lex Wolters,
Aad van der Steen, Cees de Laat
• Decisions
- Homogeneous architecture
- Nodes: dual Pentium-IIIs (SMPs)
- Network: Myrinet + Ethernet (OS)
- OS (Linux)
- Vendor (IBM), configuration, ….
• Installation by IBM: November 2001
VU (72)
Amsterdam (32)
Leiden (32)
Delft (32)
Utrecht (32)
200 SMP nodes (IBM xSeries) with two 1GHz Pentium-IIIs,  1 Gbyte memory
Systems research in ASCI
Distributed supercomputing (Albatross)
Mapping data-parallel programs (AUTOMAP)
Compilers for distributed/embedded systems (JOSES)
High-performance Java (Manta)
Middleware for scalable wide-area applications (Globe)
Distributed web caching
Dynamic task migration (Dynamite)
Resource management in wide-area systems
Quality of Service
Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA)
Applications research in ASCI
Virtual laboratories (VL)
Image processing (PILE)
Weather forecasting (Hirlam)
Search in large image databases
Ubiquitous communications (UBICOM)
N-body simulations (GRAPE)
Web servers
Autonomous interacting robots (AIR)
DAS-2 Application performance
• Case study: endgame databases for Awari
• 1995 (Bal & Allis, Supercomputing’95):
- Computed database with 5 108 entries on 80-node
MicroSparc cluster (predecessor of DAS-1)
• 2002 (Romein & Bal):
- See how far we get on DAS-2 towards solving the
entire game (9  1012 entries) ….