Universities HTI/IS 2017 Europe/ Italy Università commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Milano (IS) Fall Spring 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Study area: Management and administration Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona (HTI) Faculty of Engineering, dep. of Information Engineering Study area: Engineering & Engineering trades University of Trento (IS) Department of Economics and Management Europe/ Sweden University of Chalmers (IS) Study area: Engineering & Engineering Trades (Together with TBK) KTH Stockholm (HTI, ICT 2 School of Industrial Engineering, Study area Business & Administration Together with TBK School of Computer Science and Communication 2 University of Lund (IS, Energy) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Faculty of Engineering Engineering and Engineering Trades (30 ec required) University of Linköping (IS) Department of Management and Engineering Study Area: Engineering and Engineering Trades No premaster students will be accepted. Europe/ Iceland University of Iceland (Reykjavik) Department of Engineering and Natural Sciences Study area: Engineering & Engineering trades (30EC) Europe/ Denmark Technical University of Denmark (Lyngby) 1 Department of Management Engineering, mag bij alle faculteiten vakken volgen Study area: Engineering & Engineering trades TOEFFL or EILTS required, samen met TBK Aarhus Universitet, Aarhus(HTI) 1 1 Aalborg Universitet, Aalborg (IS) 1 1 Department of Business and Management (30 ec required) Study area Engineering & Engineering trades TOEFL required NEW: University of Southern Denmark Study Area: Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction 1 1 Faculty of Science & Technology Study area Engineering & Engineering trades Fall Europe/ Finland Laappeeranta University of Technology (HTI/IS) Spring 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 Study area Engineering & Engineering trades Tampere University of Technology (HTI) Department of Pervasive Computing University of Tampere (HTI) School of Information Sciences Europe/Norway Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) Study area Engineering & Engineering trades No Architecture Europe/ UK Napier University Edinburgh: no agreement, but interesting for HTI and IS Note: extra costs regarding tuition fee, no Erasmusscholarship Stirling University: no agreement, but interesting for HTI and IS Note: extra costs regarding tuition fee, no Erasmusscholarship University of Surrey: no agreement, but interesting for HTI and IS Note: extra costs regarding tuition fee, no Erasmussholarship University of Sussex: no agreement, but interesting for HTI and IS Note: extra costs regarding tuition fee, no Erasmusscholarship University of Hertfordshire (HTI/ ICT) 1 1 Europe/ Germany Technische Universität Berlin (HTI, ICT) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Dep. Of software Eng. And Theoretical Computer Science Quality and Usability Lab Study Area: Engineering and Engineering Trades Test German language required Universität Osnabrück (HTI) Institute of Cognitive Science Study Area: Computer Science (cognitive science) Otto von Guericke Universität Magdeburg (HTI) Institute of Psychology Universität Duisburg-Essen (HTI) Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften/KOMMEDIA Study Area: Information and Communication Technology Ruhr-Universität Bochum (IS) Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik Study Area: Engineering and Engineering Trades Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (IS) Study Area: Business and Economics Technische Universität München (IS) School of Management Universität Bremen (IS) Industrial Engineering Fall Spring 1 1 1 1 2 2 Faculty of Engineering Science/ Computer Science Study area: Engineering & Engineering trades/ Study area: Computer Science & Mathematical Engineering 1 1 Faculty of Economics and Business: As from 2016-2017 also at Campus Brussels and campus Antwerpen 2 2 Europe/Austria Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz Institut für Philosophie Study area: Philosophy Johannes Kepler University Linz (HTI) Study area: Computer Science Europe/ Belgium Transnationale Universiteit Limburg (Hasselt) (IS) Faculty sciences/ Computer Sciences Study area: Computer Sciences and Business Administration Universiteit Leuven (IS) Universiteit Gent (IS) no agreement, if you are interested contact Hilde van Petegem (2014) Department of Political Sciences Europe/ France Ecole Centrale Marseille (IS) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya/ Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona (FIB) 1 1 Europe/ Poland Politechnika Slaska (IS) 1 1 1 1 Studiearea: Engineering and Engineering trades Courses in French Université Lille (IS) Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences Study area: Economics/ Business Studies, Management Science Université of Saint-Etienne Business Administration Europe/Spain University of Mondragon (IS) Faculty of Engineering Study Area: Engineering and Engineering Trades Study Area: Engineering and Engineering Trades University of Science and Technology Krakow (HTI/IS) Department of Mining and Geoengineering Study area: Engineering and Engineering Trades Fall Europe/Portugal: Universidad Nova de Lisboa (HTI) Spring 1 1 2 2 1 1 Deaprtamento de Ciências Sociais Aplicadad Study Area: Social and Behavorial Sciences Universidado de Minho, Braga (HTI) Dpartment of Industrial Electronics Study area Electronics Engineering Europe/ Estonia Tallinn University of Technology (IS) Study area: Social Sciences, Business and Law Governance Technology Europe/ Swiss Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (IS) 1 College of Management of Technology ETH Zürich (IS) 1 1 1 1 Study area: Management, Technology and Economics Europe/Turkey Middle East Technical University (IS) NEW Russia ITMO University, Saint Petersburg 2 USA: University of California (Berkeley) (IS/HTI) Be aware of extra costs!! Sometimes TOEFFL/IELTS required! Application: contact a.j.a.m.gerarduj@tue.nl for more information. NEW Rochester Institute of Technology College of Science and Carlson Center for Imaging Science 1 Please note that you must have passed the course BSc Perception and Motor Control and MSc course Advanced Perception And can show your interest in color/light perception. Asia/ India Jadavpur University 2 Asia/ Singapore: National University Singapore (HTI, IS) 1 Business Courses are not available for exchange students Asia/Japan: Toyohashi University (HTI) Only research projects!! on demand 1 Asia/China (IS) Wuhan University of Technology (IS) Tongji University (Shanghai) Study area: Sustainable Urban Mobility Asia/ Indonesia (IS) Universitas Indonesia, Faculty of Engineering NEW Sultanat of Oman SUR University College, Department of Information Systems and Technology (HTI) Fall Spring South Africa: University of Pretoria (IS)depends on incoming students South America/ Peru Univesidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo (IS) 1 New Zealand: Victoria University Wellington (IS) 1 TUE –wide agreements with: Beijing Institute of Technology, China Tec de Monterrey, Mexico Politechnique de Montreal, Canada Universidade de Sao Paolo, Brazilië Unicamp, Brazilië National University of Science and Technology, Taiwan 1