Immuuntherapie van kanker: voor wie en in welke vorm? John Haanen Internist-oncoloog Disclosures • Advisory role: BMS, Novartis, Roche, MSD, Pfizer, Neon Therapeutics • Research grants: BMS, MSD, GSK • Geen persoonlijke neveninkomsten hieruit! Overzicht van deze presentatie • • • • • Wat is immuuntherapie van kanker? Successen van immune checkpoint inhibitie Dilemmas van checkpoint remmers Biomarker onderzoek: waar staan we? Hoe selecteer je patienten voor immuuntherapie van kanker? Overzicht van deze presentatie • • • • • Wat is immuuntherapie van kanker? Successen van immune checkpoint inhibitie Dilemmas van checkpoint remmers Biomarker onderzoek: waar staan we? Hoe selecteer je patienten voor immuuntherapie van kanker? Wat is immuuntherapie? • Versterken van de immunologische afweer tegen kanker – Versterken van de T-celimmuniteit – Versterken van de NK-celimmuniteit – Versterken van de B-celimmuniteit – Versterken van de ‘innate’ immuniteit Wat is immuuntherapie? • Versterken van de immunologische afweer tegen kanker – Versterken van de T-celimmuniteit – Versterken van de NK-celimmuniteit – Versterken van de B-celimmuniteit – Versterken van de ‘innate’ immuniteit Versterken van de T-celimmuniteit • Toename in aantal tumor-specifieke T cellen • Verbetering van de functie van tumorspecifieke T cellen • Toename in diversiteit van de T celrespons tegen de tumor Toename in aantal tumor-specifieke T cellen • Adoptieve transfer van T cellen – TIL behandeling – TCR gentherapie – CAR gentherapie Cellulaire infiltraten in de ‘tumor microenvironment’ Kerkar S P , Restifo N P Cancer Res 2012 Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) therapy From: Restifo et al., Nat Rev Immunol 2012 Tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) therapy of melanoma Clinical data N10TIL003 patient: CR at 20 weeks PriortoTIL 3wksaNerTIL 8wksaNerTIL 20wksaNerTIL Days-7to-1:Nonmyeloabla2vechemotherapywithCyclophosphamideandfludarabin Day0:2x1011TIL(unselected‘young’TIL) Days0–3:highdosebolusIL-2(4intotal) Overall survival of metastatic melanoma patients treated with TIL (ITT analysis) 1-year OS: 46% 2-year OS: 30% Besser et al., Clin Canc Res 2013 Infusion of gene-modified T cells Kershaw et al. Nat Rev Cancer 2013 CAR T cell concept Ramos et al. Ann Rev Immunol 2016 Further development of CARs Ramos et al. Ann Rev Immunol 2016 Success of CD19 CAR T cell therapy Srivastava & Riddell Trends in Immunol 2015 Verbeteren van de functionaliteit • Blokkeren van immunologische checkpoints – Anti-CTLA4 – Anti-PD1/PDL1 • Stimuleren van costimulatoire moleculen – Agonistische anti-OX40, anti-CD40, anti-CD137 etc • Verbeteren van de tumor microenvironment – IDO-remmer Immuunmodulatie door stimulerende en blokkerende antilichamen Ott et al., CCR 2014 T cell signaling CTLA-4 inhibitie T-cel activatie T cell TCR MHC APC T-cel inhibitie T cell T cell CTLA4 CD28 B7 T-cel potentiatie CTLA4 TCR CTLA4 TCR CTLA-4 inhibitor CD28 MHC APC Adapted from Lebbé et al. ESMO 2008 B7 MHC APC B7 CTLA4 speelt een rol tijdens T cel priming Ribas. N Engl J Med 2012 PD-1 pathway remt T cel respons direct downstream van de TCR Freeman PNAS 2008 Blokkeren van PD-1 versus PD-L1 Arlene Sharpe, ASCO 2013 PD1/PD-L1 speelt een rol in de tumor/effector fase Ribas. N Engl J Med 2012 Overzicht van deze presentatie • • • • • Wat is immuuntherapie van kanker? Successen van immune checkpoint inhibitie Dilemmas van checkpoint remmers Biomarker onderzoek: waar staan we? Hoe selecteer je patienten voor immuuntherapie van kanker? 2010: jaar van eerste doorbraak: • Ipilimumab verbetert de ‘Overall Survival’ van patienten met een uitgezaaid melanoom (2e lijnstherapie) Ipilimumab naive-pts + DTIC 10 mg/kg Maintenance possible Pre-treated-pts +/- gp100 HLA-A2 3mg/kg Re-induction possible 1 Year Ipi + gp100 N=403 44% 22% Ipi + pbo N=137 46% 24% gp100 + pbo N=136 25% 14% Hodi et al 2010 NEJM 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year Ipilimumab+ DTIC N=250 47.3 28.5 20.8 Placebo+ DTIC N=252 36.3 17.9 12.2 2 Year Robert et al NEJM 2011 Subset OS Analysen naar dosis (N=1861) Median 3-yr OS rate 3 mg/kg 11.4 (10.3, 12.5) 21% (17%, 24%) 10 mg/kg 11.1 (9.9, 13.0) 24% (21%, 28%) 12.4 (10.4, 15.1) 20% (14%, 26%) Other Hodi et al ESMO 2013 Gepoolde OS Analyse Inclusief EAP Data: 4846 Patienten Mediane OS (95% CI): 9.5 (9.0–10.0) 3-jaar OS rate (95% CI): 21% (20–22%) Hodi et al ESMO 2013 2010: 1ste jaar van doorbraak: • Ipilimumab verbetert OS van uitgezaaide melanoom in 2e lijn 2011: 2e jaar van doorbraak: • Ipilimumab verbetert OS van uitgezaaide melanoom in 1e lijn 2012: 3e jaar van doorbraak: • Anti-PD1/PDL1 toont activiteit in fase I studie bij meerdere tumor types (ASCO presentaties over melanoom, NSCLC en RCC) Anti-PDL1 (MDX-1105) Brahmer et al., NEJM 2012 Anti-PD1 (nivolumab) Topalian et al., NEJM 2012 2013 2014 2015 Fase I data bij uitgezaaide melanoom met pembrolizumab Hamid et al., NEJM 2013 Eerste data van 1st lijn nivolumab in BRAF wild type melanoompatienten Robert et al., NEJM 2015 (presented at ASCO 2013) Fase I resultaten van de combinatie immuuntherapie (anti-CTLA4 + anti-PD1) Wolchok et al., NEJM 2013 2013 2014 2015 2014 • Beter begrip van waarom immuuntherapie met checkpoint inhibitors werkt – Correlaties met • CD8 TIL • Mutational load • PDL1 expressie 2013 2014 2015 2015 • Goedkeuring van nivolumab en pembrolizumab – mMelanoom: 1ste lijn – mNSCLC: 2de lijn – mRCC: TKI refractair • Goedkeuring van ipilimumab + nivolumab (US) – mMelanoom • Goedkeuring van ipilimumab als adjuvante therapie – stage III melanoma Overzicht van deze presentatie • • • • • Wat is immuuntherapie van kanker? Successen van immune checkpoint inhibitie Dilemmas van checkpoint remmers Biomarker onderzoek: waar staan we? Hoe selecteer je patienten voor immuuntherapie van kanker? Dilemmas voor immuuntherapie (CTLA4 en PD1/PDL1 blokkade) • Relatieve lage objectieve responskans, maar significant OS voordeel • Indrukwekkende toxiciteit – Ipilimumab – (Anti-PD1) – Combinatie anti-CTLA4 en anti-PD1 • Extreem hoge kosten Effectvancheckpointblokkade(pembrolizumab)over verschillendetumortypes Courtesy of Joseph Eid, MSD Frequente AE Incidence per 1000 person-months of all grade and grade 3 to 5 adverse events under immunotherapy using the SAS System. The results include data from the following studies: CA-184-002, KEYNOTE-001, KEYNOTE-002, KEYNOTE-006, CheckMate-037, CheckMate-066, CheckMate-067, and CheckMate-069 Boutros et al Submitted AE « of special interest » Boutros et al Submitted Auto-immuun uveitis na anti-CTLA-4 behandeling Na topicale behandeling Immune related adverse events colitis hypophysitis Dreigend financieel probleem van betaalbaarheid van de zorg 1 mg = 90,10 €1 1 mg = 0,03 €2 eind 2015 3 mg/kg x 4 cycli = 86.400 € 86.400 € = 2,76 kg goud 1 2 Overzicht van deze presentatie • • • • • Wat is immuuntherapie van kanker? Successen van immune checkpoint inhibitie Dilemmas van checkpoint remmers Biomarker onderzoek: waar staan we? Hoe selecteer je patienten voor immuuntherapie van kanker? Respons op nivolumab naar PDL1 expressie Topalian et al., NEJM 2012 MSD (Merck) PD-L1 NSCLC Sample IHC kleuring PD-L1 = 0% positief PD-L1 = 2% positief PD-L1 = 100% positief Negatief Zwak Positief (1%-49%) Sterk Positief (50%-100%) PD-L1 als biomarker bij NSCLCs Drug/ Sponsor Nivolumab BMS Pembrolizumab MSD (Merck) Assay 28-8 22C3 Cells scored Tumor cell membrane Tumor cell (and stroma) Infiltrating immune cells Tissue Archival Recent Arch./Recent Arch./Recent 2L ++ 2L ++ MEDI4736 MedImmune SP263 1st line Cut-point 5% 1% 5% 1% 1% 50% 1% 5% 10% ORR in PD-L1 + 50% N=10 13% N=38 15% N=33 26-47% N=45 19-23% N=177 37% N=41 31% N=26 46% N=13 83% N=6 39% N=13 ORR in PD-L1 - 0% N=7 17% N=30 14% N=35 ??? 9-13% N=40 11% N=88 20% N=20 18% N=33 18% N=40 5% N=19 Daud, AACR 2014 Ghandi, AACR 2014 Rizvi, ASCO 2014, #8009 Garon, ASCO 2014, #8020 2L ++ MPDL3280A Topalian, NEJM 2012 Grosso, ASCO 2013, #3016 Brahmer, ASCO 2014, #8112 Gettinger, ASCO 2014, #8024 PEMBRO 2L ++ Hamid, ASCO 2013, #9010 Herbst, ASCO 2013, #3000 Powderly, ASCO 2013, #3001 Spigel, ASCO 2013, #8008 MEDI4736 Setting NIVO 1st line MPDL3280A Genentech Segal, ASCO 2014, #3002 Brahmer, ASCO 2014, #8021 PD-L1 en respons bij Mel en NSCLC Melanoma NSCLCs Pembrolizuma b MK-3475 Pembrolizuma b MK-3475 ORR – “PDL1+” 1% cut-off: 49% 10% cut-off: 52% ORR – “PDL1+” 1% cut-off: 25% 50% cut-off: 37% ORR – PDL1- 1% cut-off: 13% 10% cut-off: 23% ORR – PDL1- 1% cut-off: 7% 50% cut-off: 11% Daud, AACR 2014 Garon, WCLC 2013, #2416 Ghandi, AACR 2014 Ni v (T olu op al m ia a Ni n)et)a b*S v l.)N ol EJ id (W olu M eb m )2 *Tu er 01 m )A ab Ni SCO *M 2) or v )201 e s** l (G olu **** 3 a ) ro no **** ss m o) m **** et ab a* M )al. *M * *** **** PD )ASC e **** (H O) la er L3 20 n **** bs 2 o 1 3) **** t)e 8 m **)) a* M t)al)A 0a* **** PD SC So **** O) (H 20 lid am L3 **** 1 * 2 T id 3) **** u )e 80 m )) M t)al)A a* or PD SC M s O) e (S )))) 20 la or L3 )))) 13 ia n 2 l)e ) om )))) t)a 80 Pe l)EC a* )))) a **** m C)2 NS )))) (D 01 * b )))) C * * au ro 3) LC **** d) * * et liz **** **** Pe )al)AA um *** **** m CR) ab * * * **** (G b 201 *M an ro **** 4) dh el **** i)e liz an M t)al) um ***) o PD AAC a m (P R) b* a* ow L3 2 N *))) el 28 014 S C s)e ) )))) LC )))) Pe t)al)A 0a*B * **** )))) m SCO la **** (S d b ) 2 el 01 d *** ) w ro 4) e er )))) r** t)e liz u ))) * t * Pe )al)A m )))) a ) S m )))) CO b )))) (R bro )2014 *He )))) ib liz ) ad ))))) as um *& ) )e * N t)a ab e ck l)A *M * SC ela O) no 20 m 14 a* ) **** ) Intra-tumorale PD-L1 expressie en respons op PD-1/PD-L1 blokkade n=) 42 44 34 94 30 53 113 129 65 55 411 Response*Rates Unselected 21% 32% 29% 22% 23% 23% 40% 19% 26% 18% 40% PDQL1)+ 36% 67% 44% 39% 27% 46% 49% 37% 43% 46% 49% PDQL1)− 0% 19% 17% 13% 20% 15%* 13% 11% 11% 11% 13% Presented by: Margaret Callahan Callahan, ASCO 2014 Mogelijke limitaties voor PD-L1 • PD-L1 expressie is dynamisch • PD-L1 is heterogeen in weefsel • Onduidelijk welk niveau van expressie belangrijk is • Belang van co-localizatie met TILs • Betrouwbaarheid en reproduceerbaarheid van de verschillende assays • Gearchiveerd materiaal • Variatie in weefsel collectie, timing, cell sampling, gebruikt mAb voor kleuring, IHC criteria Overzicht van deze presentatie • • • • • Wat is immuuntherapie van kanker? Successen van immune checkpoint inhibitie Dilemmas van checkpoint remmers Biomarker onderzoek: waar staan we? Hoe selecteer je patienten voor immuuntherapie van kanker? Biomarker research Melero, .., Haanen, Nat Rev Canc 2015 Combination therapy guided by biomarkers Melero, .., Haanen, Nat Rev Canc 2015 The Cancer – Immunogram Describing the state of Cancer - Immune interaction high tumor foreignness mutational load Does the extent of DNA damage correlate with the clinical effects of cancer immunotherapy? Adjusted from Alexandrov et al, Nature 2013 Mutational load correlates with improved clinical benefit from CTLA-4 or PD-1 blockade Melanoma NSCLC Durable clinical benefit Van Allen et al., Science 2015 Non-durable benefit Rizvi et al., Science 2015 high tumor foreignness mutational load general immune status lymphocyte count General immune status – lymphocyte count ipilimumab Martens et al., submitted pembrolizumab Weide et al., submitted high tumor foreignness mutational load general immune status lymphocyte count high immune infiltration capacity CD8 intratumoral Evolution of CD8+ T-cells, according to treatment outcome IHC Analysis of CD8+ T-cells in samples obtained before and during anti-PD1 treatment Tumeh et al. Nature 2014 sensitivity to immune effector mechanisms pMHC expression IFNg sensitivity? high tumor foreignness mutational load general immune status lymphocyte count high immune infiltration capacity CD8 intratumoral absence of local inhibitory factors: Checkpoints PD-L1 sensitivity to immune effector mechanisms pMHC expression IFNg sensitivity? absence of inhibitory tumor metabolism LDH, glucose utilization high tumor foreignness mutational load general immune status lymphocyte count high immune infiltration capacity CD8 intratumoral absence of local inhibitory factors: Checkpoints PD-L1 High LDH and poor survival to ipilimumab in melanoma Kelderman et al., CII 2014 High LDH and poor survival in melanoma treated with pembrolizumab response rate Daud et al., ASCO 2015 overall survival Weide et al., submitted ORR in Patient Subgroups ORR (Patients) Total population NIVO + IPI Unweighted ORR difference vs IPI (95% CI) NIVO 57.6% (314) 43.7% (316) 38.6% (31.3–45.2) 24.6% (17.5–31.4) 53.3% (212) 46.8% (218) 66.7% (102) 36.7% (98) 35.6% (26.8–43.6) 29.1% (20.5–37.1) 44.7% (31.5–55.6) 14.7% (2.0–26.8) 51.4% (185) 38.9% (185) 37.1% (27.9–45.4) 24.6% (15.8–33.0) 65.3% (199) 51.5% (196) 44.7% (114) 30.4% (112) 37.8% (37) 21.6% (37) 40.6% (31.1–48.9) 26.8% (17.3–35.6) 35.2% (24.1–45.2) 20.8% (10.5–30.7) 37.8% (20.0–53.9) 21.6% (6.3–37.2) 57.4% (94) 48.1% (79) 54.3% (35) 43.6% (39) 39.5% (25.8–51.0) 30.1% (16.0–42.8) 27.0% (5.3–45.8) 16.3% (-4.1–35.2) 54.8% (210) 41.3% (208) 72.1% (68) 57.5% (80) 36.9% (28.0–45.0) 23.5% (14.8–31.8) 50.7% (35.0–62.8) 36.2% (21.0–49.0) ORR ipi BRAF Wild-type Mutant M Stage M1c Baseline LDH ≤ULN >ULN >2x ULN Age (yr) ≥65 and <75 ≥75 PD-L1 Expression Level <5% ≥5% 70 50 30 10 NIVO or NIVO + IPI better 0 -10 IPI better 24.7% 9.7% 0.0% sensitivity to immune effector mechanisms pMHC expression IFNg sensitivity? high tumor foreignness mutational load absence of inhibitory tumor metabolism LDH, glucose utilization absence of local inhibitory factors: soluble mediators IL6->CRP/ESR general immune status lymphocyte count high immune infiltration capacity CD8 intratumoral absence of local inhibitory factors: Checkpoints PD-L1 Cyclooxygenase-Dependent Tumor Growth through Evasion of Immunity CRP Zelenay et al. Cell 2015 Signature Expanded in Validation Set<br />(While Blinded to Clinical Outcome) Presented By Antoni Ribas at 2015 ASCO Annual Meeting high tumor foreignness mutational load sensitivity to immune effector mechanisms pMHC expression IFNg sensitivity? absence of inhibitory tumor metabolism LDH, glucose utilization absence of local inhibitory factors: soluble mediators IL6->CRP/ESR general immune status lymphocyte count high immune infiltration capacity CD8 intratumoral absence of local inhibitory factors: Checkpoints PD-L1 high tumor foreignness mutational load sensitivity to immune effector mechanisms pMHC expression IFNg sensitivity? absence of inhibitory tumor metabolism LDH, glucose utilization absence of local inhibitory factors: soluble mediators IL6->CRP/ESR general immune status lymphocyte count high immune infiltration capacity CD8 intratumoral absence of local inhibitory factors: Checkpoints PD-L1 high tumor foreignness mutational load sensitivity to immune effector mechanisms pMHC expression IFNg sensitivity? absence of inhibitory tumor metabolism LDH, glucose utilization absence of local inhibitory factors: soluble mediators IL6->CRP/ESR general immune status lymphocyte count high immune infiltration capacity CD8 intratumoral absence of local inhibitory factors: Checkpoints PD-L1 conclusions • The Cancer – Immunogram is a framework to help to describe the cancer – immune system interaction for individual patients and predict which aspect to target • LDH (< 2x ULN) appears to be a solid biomarker of response to select melanoma patients for ipilimumab treatment • Many biomarkers of response to CIT are in development. Linking all this information to create a large database will rapidly increase our understanding of immune resistance and escape.