TOOLS FOR BRAND VISION Dit model mag niet gebruikt worden zonder toestemming van Peter de Jong. Stuur voor gebruik eerst een mail naar 19.07.17 1 How to develop a brand idea and vision – overall approach landscape direct competition Look BACK: what made us famous? hits and misses? Look FORWARD: emerging trends and where the market in going Landscape indirect competition 19.07.17 Copyright of the brandgym 2 EXPERT INTERVIEWS, TRENDS REVIEW: To understand what lies ahead, where the future is going in your filed BRAND MISSION, Brand DNA: who started it? why? motivations , expertise, profile etc.. Springboards used to develop a brand idea INSIGHT into the CONSUMER WORLD: what are needs, wants of your target audience? barriers and frustrations? STAKEHOLDERS INSIGHT Understand and integrate vision and objectives of other stakeholders BUSINESS REVIEW to identify growth drivers in the market, and position your brand against them DIRECT AND INDIRECT COMPETITION ANALYSIS 19.07.17 Copyright of the brandgym 3