INSCHRIJFFORMULIER studenten MLW (CPV) / APPLICATION FORM students MLS (ALC) S.v.p. ALLE vragen invullen en PASFOTO toevoegen / Please fill in completely /add PASSPORT PHOTOGRAPH CURSUSCODE / COURSE CODE 0060 0061 0062 GEGEVENS AANMELDING/REQUIRED INFORMATION FOR APPLICATION Achternaam/Family name Voornaam/First name Geslacht/Gender Geboortedatum/Date of Birth Geboorteplaats/Place of Birth Geboorteland/Country of Birth UM-kaartnr./UM-card number Studentnummer/Student number Locatie UM (Locatie + afd. + kamernr) Location UM (Location + dept. + room no.) Thuisadres (+ postc. + woonplaats) Home address (+ postal code + city) Telefoon werk / Telephone work GSM-Mobiel nr/Mobile number FTE / Fulltime equivalent Vakgroep / Department Faculteit / Faculty Vooropleiding / Previous Education Opleidingsplaats/Place of Education (city) E-mail/E-mail Datum in dienst/Date of Employment Datum uit dienst/End of Employment Promotor/Promotor Begeleider/Mentor-Supervisor AIO-niet AIO/Phd student-not Phd student Kosten worden gedragen door/Funding by Budgetnummer/Budget number Not for Master students Not for Master students Not for Master students Not for Master students Not for Master students MLW- bachelor Maastricht Not for Master students Not for Master students Not for Master students Not for Master students MLS master (CMS, MHS, ODB) or CBM master MLS master or CBM master, OIFDG OVERIGE VEREISTE INFORMATIE/OTHER REQUIRED INFORMATION Academische graad/Academic degree BSc afstudeerrichting en –jaar (kopie diploma svp) BSc and year of graduation (Add copy of diploma) MSc afstudeerrichting en –jaar (kopie diploma svp) MSc and year of graduation(Add copy of diploma) Biologische vooropleiding List of relevant courses (including BSc studies) Anatomie/Anatomy ECTS (invullen svp)/ECTS (Please fill in) SBU (invullen s.v.p.)/Study load (hrs) Fysiologie/Physiology ECTS (invullen svp)/ECTS (Please fill in) SBU (invullen s.v.p.)/Study load (hrs) Andere biologische vakken/Other biological subjects (attach list with course titles) ECTS (invullen svp)/ECTS (Please fill in) SBU (invullen s.v.p.)/Study load (hrs) Not for Master students Only for students with another education than MLW, Maastricht 1 week accounts for 1,5 ECTS on average. 1 ECTS corresponds to 28hours study load. Only for students with another education than MLW, Maastricht Only for students with another education than MLW, Maastricht - Next page Werkervaring met proefdieren (bevestiging proefdierdeskundige/leidinggevende bijvoegen !) Work experience with lab animals (Please add confirmation letter of animal welfare officer/ supervisor!) Only for students with another education than MLW Maastricht! Andere relevante vooropleiding (in geval van buitenlandse cursus PDK-programma bijvoegen !) Other relevant courses (e.g. other course in lab animal science: add detailed programme !) Only for students with another education than MLW Maastricht! Please always SEND IN: * Copy diplomas (MSc and BSc or others) Passport photograph If your previous education was not MLW in Maastricht then also add: Complete list of all relevant courses with study load (hrs) and ECTS (including BSc studies) In te vullen door Secretariaat IPC / Secretariat IPC Aanvraag ter screening naar PDK/Request to animal welfare officer for screening In te vullen door Proefdierdeskundige / Animal Welfare Officer Vooropleiding voldoende Previous Education conform the requirements Aanvullende vooropleiding vereist – ter screening naar Utrecht Additional education required / to Utrecht University for screening Opmerkingen / Remarks: FORMULIER ZENDEN AAN/PLEASE SEND FORM TO: