Europass Curriculum Vitae Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) Address(es) Telephone(s) Fax(es) E-mail Nationality Date of birth Gender Harald Haelterman Universiteitstraat 4, 9000 Ghent (Belgium) 0032 479 982278 1972-05-02 male Work experience Education and training Mother Dutch tongue Other Understanding language(s) Organisation Crime against business Skills Driving licence Speaking Additional information Journal Articles: Harald Haelterman, Tom Vander Beken, Marloes Callens (2012). Controlling access to pick-up and delivery vans: the cost of alternative measures. EUROPEAN JOURNAL ON CRIMINAL POLICY AND RESEARCH, 18 (2) , 163-182. Harald Haelterman (2012). Preventie blijft maatwerk. PRIVATE VEILIGHEID = SECURITE PRIVEE, (54) , 48-48. Harald Haelterman (2011). Re-thinking the cost of supply chain security. CRIME LAW AND SOCIAL CHANGE, 56 (4) , 389-405. Harald Haelterman (2009). Situational crime prevention and supply chain security: an 'ex ante' consideration of preventive measures. JOURNAL OF APPLIED SECURITY RESEARCH, 4 (4) , 483-500. Harald Haelterman (2009). Beveiligingslabels in het goederenvervoer. PRIVATE VEILIGHEID = SECURITE PRIVEE, (40) , 14-17. Harald Haelterman (2001). Elektronisch toezicht op e-mail en surfgedrag op het werk. PRIVATE VEILIGHEID = SECURITE PRIVEE, (7) , 30-34. Harald Haelterman, Patrick Van Troyen, Georges Lichtenstein (2001). IS security management. PRIVATE VEILIGHEID = SECURITE PRIVEE, (7) , 16-19. Harald Haelterman, Georges Lichtenstein (2001). Informaticacriminaliteit en de wet van 28 november 2000. PRIVATE VEILIGHEID = SECURITE PRIVEE, (7) , 12-14. Harald Haelterman (2001). Informaticacriminaliteit voortaan strafbaar. SECURITY TRENDS : ACTUELE INFORMATIE, , 3-5. Harald Haelterman (1999). The changing face of ... security management. SECURITY MANAGEMENT, (11) , 28-28. Books or monographs: Harald Haelterman Joris Mulkers (2001) Privé-detectives: theorie en praktijk van de private opsporing. Antwerpen, België ; Apeldoorn, Nederland: Maklu, Book chapter(s): Harald Haelterman, Marc Cools, Herman Matthijs, Patrick Van Calster (Eds). Customs' role in managing security at the EU's external borders: a risk management and intelligence approach. Harald Haelterman, Noël Colpin (2008). European journal of intelligence studies : capita selecta Antwerp, Belgium: Intersentia, pp.87-98. Over reguleren en overreguleren: particuliere recherche in België. Harald Haelterman (2002). VBN jubileum jaarboek Langedijk, Nederland: Elma Edities, pp.96-105. , Jos Dumortier, Frank Robben, Marc Taeymans (Eds). Criminology, information technology and (employee) computer crime. Harald Haelterman (2001). A decade of research @ the crossroads of law and ICT Brussels, Belgium: Larcier, pp.119-126. Informaticacriminaliteit: een inleidende beschouwing. Harald Haelterman (2001). Handboek criminaliteitspreventie Diegem: Kluwer Editorial, pp.1-40. Informaticacriminaliteit. Harald Haelterman (2001). Handboek security Diegem: Kluwer Editorial, pp.17-53. Private opsporing en privé-detectives. Harald Haelterman (2000). HANDBOEK POLITIEDIENSTEN Diegem: Kluwer Editorial, pp.1-52. Harald Haelterman, Marc Cools (Eds). Beveiliging van informatiesystemen: een geïntegreerde aanpak. Harald Haelterman, Patrick Van Troyen (1999). Security consultancy : het actieterrein van de beveiligingsadviseur in België en Nederland Diegem: Kluwer Editorial, pp.139-166. Harald Haelterman, Marc Cools (Eds). Private opsporing: wettelijk kader. Harald Haelterman (1998). Nieuwe sporen : het actieterrein van de particuliere recherche in België en Nederland Diegem: Kluwer Editorial, pp.43-80. Other publications: Harald Haelterman, Situational crime prevention and supply chain security: theory for best practice, CRISP Reports : Connecting Research in Security to Practice, ASIS Foundation Research Council