NL: Uitleg bij het invullen van het Meldingenfomulier (Notification Form) In de Verordening 889/2008 staat in artikel 91 beschreven wat u moet doen wanneer u twijfelt over de bio-status van een product. Voor residumeldingen hebben we een Meldwijzer ontwikkeld, waarin we advies geven over wanneer u een melding moet doen aan Skal. Voor een snelle en zorgvuldige afhandeling van uw melding vragen wij u om dit Engelstalige formulier volledig en in het Engels in te vullen. Zorg ervoor dat u alle relevante bijlagen meestuurt. Dit vergemakkelijkt de verdere verwerking en uitwisseling binnen Europa. De opgevraagde informatie is wat de Europese Commissie verplicht stelt. Het formulier is dan ook een Europese standaard, waardoor controle-instanties informatie over meldingen efficiënt met elkaar kunnen delen. Formulieren die niet volledig zijn ingevuld of waarbij niet alle relevante documenten zijn toegevoegd zullen wij niet in behandeling nemen. Deze worden naar u retour gestuurd. Dit geldt ook wanneer de traceerbaarheid van het product onvoldoende is uitgewerkt (zie onderdeel D). Heeft u het formulier volledig ingevuld, inclusief de bijlages? Mail het dan naar Skal via Alvast bedankt voor uw melding. Verplichte bijlagen bij het meldingenformulier Bij het ingevulde meldingenformulier horen de volgende verplichte bijlagen: Verplichte bijlagen Toelichting 1. CVI: Certificate of inspection for import of products from organic production into the European community 2. Factuur 3. Analyseresultaten 4. Officiële transportdocumenten (bv. CMR, bill of loading) 5. Toelichting op de traceerbaarheid 6. Certificaat van de leverancier 7. Certificaat van de teler 8. Overzicht van afnemers FR041.01, versie 8 Kortweg CVI of transactiecertificaat. Het CVI bestaat uit 2 pagina’s. Vergeet niet ook de tweede, door de Douane afgetekende pagina mee te sturen. Factuur van het geïmporteerde/gekochte product. Voeg alleen analyserapporten toe die betrekking hebben op de geïmporteerde/gekochte product. Voeg alleen documenten toe die betrekking hebben op de geïmporteerde/gekochte product. In een Word-document licht u toe hoe partijcodes van de leverancier, interne partijcodes en de identificatie van de partij op het analysecertificaat/de analysecertificaten aan elkaar gekoppeld kunnen worden. Gebruik printscreens als dit de zaak verduidelijkt. Indien beschikbaar U gebruikt hiervoor het Excel-document genaamd List of buyers dat u kunt vinden als bijlage bij dit document page 1 of 5 ENG: Explanation of the Notification Form Article 91 of Regulation 889/2008 stipulates what you must do if you have doubts about the organic status of a product. We have developed a Notification Guide (Decision tree) for residues found, which provides advice on how to notify Skal of any such cases. Please fully complete this English-language form, in English, for the careful, rapid handling of your notification. Ensure that you attach all the relevant annexes. This will facilitate the further processing of the notification and exchange throughout Europe. The European Commission makes the information requested obligatory. The form is therefore a European standard, which enables certification bodies to exchange notifications with one another more efficiently.We are unable to process any forms that are not fully completed or to which all the relevant documents have not been attached. All such forms will be returned to you. This also applies if the traceability of the product has been insufficiently elaborated (see section D). Have you fully completed the form and have you enclosed all the annexes? If so, email it to Skal via Thank you for your notification. Obligatory annexes to the Notification Form Please send us the following annexes with your completed Notification Form: Obligatory annexes Explanation: 1. On import: Certificate of import (Certificaat van Invoer)/Certificate of inspection for import of products produced organically into the European community 2. Invoice In short, the COI or transaction certificate. The COI comprises two pages. Do not forget to send the second page which has been signed by customs. 3. Analysis results 4. Official transport documents (e.g. Convention on the contract for the international carriage of goods by road (CMR), bill of lading) 5. Explanation of the traceability 6. Organic certificate of the supplier/supplier in the country of origin 7. Organic certificate of the grower 8. List of buyers FR041.01, versie 8 Invoice of the product imported/purchased. Attach only analysis reports that concern the product imported/purchased. Attach only documents relating to the product imported/purchased. Please explain, in a Microsoft Word document, how the supplier's batch codes, internal batch codes and the identification of the batch on the analysis certificate/the analysis certificates can be linked to one another. Use print screens if this clarifies matters. If available To this end, use the Excel document entitled List of buyers which you can find as an annex to this document page 2 of 5 Notification Form C) Product 1 Select the Product category: o o o o o o Unprocessed plant products Unprocessed animal products Aquaculture products and seaweed Processed agricultural products for use as food Processed agricultural products for use as feed Seeds and propagation material 2 Product name: 3 Country of origin: 4 Description of the product (packaging size and form, etc.) – please attach copied or scanned seal or label 5 Identification of the lot (e.g. lot number, delivery number, delivery date, etc.) 6 Other information: 6a. Delivered quantity of the notified lot: 6b. Still in stock, quantity of the notified lot: 6c. Other relevant information: D) Traceability 1 State the primary producer contact details plus the name of the corresponding monitoring body: 2 What is the name of the processor/seller in the country of origin? Please state the contact details plus the name of the corresponding monitoring body: 3 Importer in the notifying country: contact details plus corresponding monitoring body 4 Wholesaler: contact details plus corresponding monitoring body 5 Retailer or other operator in the notifying country where the irregularity/contamination has been detected: contact details plus name of the corresponding monitoring body 6 Other/further actors: 7 Notes on the traceability Please show in detail how your FR041.01, versie 8 page 3 of 5 identification code can be linked to the identification code of the lot in which the irregularity has been detected? E) suspicion of infringements and irregularities 1a. Nature of the suspicion/irregularity. Please select a category: o o o o Residues GMO Fraud Other, namely ........... 1b. Corresponding regulation: o Residues: Art. 12 of R. 834/2007 and Article 5 of R. 889/2008 GMO: Art. 9 of R. 834/2007 Fraud: Art. 91 of R. 889/2008 ……….. o o o 2 Context of the detection of the irregularity/suspicion - please attach a copy of invoice or other supporting documents. 2a. Date of the detection of the irregularity/suspicion (DD/MM/YYYY) 2b. Place of the detection of the irregularity/suspicion: 3. Analysis of the samples/tests (if any) please attach a copy of analysis report 3a. Date of sampling/testing: (DD/MM/YYYY) 3b. Place of sampling/testing: 3c. Date of the analysis report (DD/MM/YYYY) 3d. Details (name of the laboratory, methods used, results) 3e. Name(s) of the substances found 3f. Level of the residues detected: 3g. Is the level above the threshold allowed in food (or feed) in general? 3h. Is the level for labelling of GMOcontents overshot? F) Market influence 1. Has the product been withdrawn from the market, blocked or marketed? 2. Which actors have already been informed? 3. Are other Member States affected? G) Measures taken 1. Which voluntary measures have been taken (on the product/operator/market)? 2. Have any compulsory measures been taken? 3. What is the scope of the measures (national, regional, exports, etc.)? FR041.01, versie 8 page 4 of 5 4 Date of the measures taken: (DD/MM/YYYY) 5 Duration: 6 Justification/legal base of the measures: 7 Which monitoring authority and/or body has adopted the measures? H) Other information/evaluation 1. Probable cause 2. Statement that the contamination did not take place at your company 3. Other relevant information/evaluation Weighting factors (in the case of residues): Is one of the values found > MRL? If so, has the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) been notified? Has more than one substance been detected? Is this a recurrent case of product/country or of product/supplier? Does the value found indicate active use? Was the product cultivated in the Netherlands? If so, how can the company rule out culpable contamination during cultivation? FR041.01, versie 8 page 5 of 5